Chapter 10 - The Boss

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On the other hand, the man was left frozen in his spot until he saw the gates being closed. He interrupted the door with his hand and get out of the lift.

"hmm!... She must be Y/n... I guess... ", the man assumed not so sure with his guess.

He dramatically put his hand on his chest and act like he was in pain.

"ahhhh!!!... I already like her... She going to get the biggest shock of her life", he said with a wide smile on his face and started walking in his desired direction.

After leaving that over-friendly man in the lift, you made your way towards the room. You reached in front of the door of the cabin that read '304' on the number plate in no time since directions were very clearly stated.

In the corner of your eyes, you saw that the guy from earlier was coming in your direction. Only seeing his face brought a disgusting expression on your face. Urgh... This guy... Is he following me... He better not.

You ignored him and rolled your eyes before knocking the door when you got no response, you opened the door and entered the cabin looking around for the person you were supposed to be met as 'the boss'.

"WTH... There is no one here... Am I here to talk with walls?... Hello, walls... Nice to meet you!", you talked to the wall with a fake smile on your face and scoffed.

"how cute?!", a voice interrupted your conversation with the beautiful wall that seems more interesting than the person itself.

You turned around to see that annoying man standing on the door frame leaning on his side with arms crossed on his chest.

"You again... I already told you that I don't have time to waste on you and by the way where is... *you walked towards the table to read the name plate*...Mark? ", you asked him.

He didn't reply to you, rather made his way towards the desk and sat down on the luxuriously comfortable chair behind the desk which would have a coat more than your 10 years of savings. While you crossed your arms on your chest observing his each and every move with your head tilted towards one side and eyebrows crashed together due to confusion.

"Nice to meet you Ms Y/n... I am your boss Mr. mark", he introduced himself draining all your confidence in one go.

His one statement, only one made you shake internally but you didn't show it after all your pride was on the line. Shit.

He smiled at you in a teasing way knowing how you were shaken by his position and how you talked with him a few moments ago. But you smirked at him in return pretending as nothing happened which took him by surprise.

'how can she be so calm knowing she was just disrespectful towards her boss...she could lose this job even before getting it... This confidence of her... I like it... This is gonna be an interesting Ms Y/n' he thought with a smile never leaving his face.

"Nice to meet you too Mr Mark", you replied without any expression on your face.

You made your way towards the desk arms still crossed on your chest as a sign of authority as he signalled you to sit with his hand.

"so Ms. Y/n... How was your flight? ", he tried to get in a friendly conversation with you.

"I don't think it matters... Why have I been called here today?", you just snub him not wanting to have anything with him other than professional work related thing.

Mark scoffed while leaning back on his chair and said,  "Didn't you just disrespected me for the third time since you entered the building?"

Your arms were still crossed as you were leaned back as well but smirking as came forward and rested your elbows on his desk with your fingers intertwined looking directly in his eyes.

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