The Fiction Awards 2019 Nomination

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Hey dreamers! 

There is good news who took out some time to vote for my book in The Fiction Awards 2019. Thanks to all of you Evanesced qualified to be nominated in Best of the Beginners under the non-genre category.

No matter how much I thank, it won't be enough to show how grateful I am towards all the dreamers who read and appreciate my work.

In this journey of The Fiction Awards 2019, there is one last step that is needed to be taken to complete our journey as a team. I know I have been asking you guys a lot but this is my first time being nominated for an award in my one and a half year of the journey on wattpad.

I am not going to force anyone to vote for my book but honestly, it is something that means a lot to me and I hope you dreamers will be willing to be a part of this journey.

Voting this time very simple and unlimited, that means you can vote for one book as many times as you want. All you have to do is make an inline comment next to the book you want to win saying '+1' and that's it.

I will explain the elaborated steps to vote if you didn't understand.


Open the book The Fiction Awards 2019 on the profile thefictionawards

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Open the book The Fiction Awards 2019 on the profile thefictionawards


Go to the chapter named as 'Voting - Non-Genre - Open'

Go to the chapter named as 'Voting - Non-Genre - Open'

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Scroll down to 

'-Best of the Beginners'

Under this category, there is my book on the fifth number as

  'Evanesced by gldn_clst'

Click/tap on the comment bubble next to the book on the right 

Click/tap on the comment bubble next to the book on the right 

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to vote. You can as many times you want as it unlimited voting in this round.

Voting for my book is completely your personal choice and no one to force you to vote for me either but I hope you will vote for my book and if possible help me win this award. Thank you so much for taking some time reading my book.

EVANESCED [Reader X Jungkook FF]✔Where stories live. Discover now