Chapter 30 - Emptiness

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[A/n: play the audio on loop]

You almost snatched the stuff from her giving a look which screamed loath and muttered, "whatever" before grabbing your stuff. Heading towards security clearance you mumbled a lot of curses for that girl, calling her idiot and ended up bumping into someone. Ignoring that person you just kept walking on your way not wanting to be late any further.


"Did you just call us idiots?", a voice inquired which you decided to ignore and continued on your way but that person had different plans on mind. You felt a grip on your handbag which left you no choice but to stop. "Let me go", you said without turning back and controlling the anger in your voice. That person left your bag but instead two guys around your age came stood in front you, blocking your way. You tried to walk past them but then two girls came blocking your way beside the guys.

'What's wrong with everybody today... why me out of all the people?... why today out of all days? ', you groaned internally unable to let out of these words. Instead, you fake smiled and tried to be polite, "Can you please get out of my way? I am getting late for my flight and I seriously don't have time to pick a fight with you guys... so please move and let me go...".

You again attempted to move past the group but they again blocked your way and said, "Do you really think you will be able to get through us after calling us, idiot?". The boy who in front of you spoke raising one of his eyebrows. "I never meant to call you an idiot or anyone in particular... it's just a misunderstanding", you said trying your best to cover up your frustration with calmness but they were not helping at all.

"Do you really think we will buy your stupid excuse to get away with this filthy mouth of yours.", the girl beside the guy said and that was your limit. "Do you guys really want to pick a fight here right now?... Just back off before I call the security and report the four of you to police ", you said sternly and crossed your arms on your chest to look authoritative.

You kept glaring them with raised eyebrow until they had no choice but get aside so you could pass through them. "Wise choice", you said before uncrossing your arms and fixing your handbag so you could go. But as soon as you were about to move ahead two strong manly arms came and wrapped around your torso while his head was placed on your shoulder and buried in your hair from the side.

You were about to use your self-defence trick and elbow that person in his stomach until you felt a hot teardrop on your arm and then a whisper in your ear, "I am sorry... don't go... please". A shiver ran down your spine and your heart skipped a beat because you recognized the scent that was around at the moment, the voice which you just heard and the touch you were feeling.

All things that you have been trying to forget for long, the person who you have been trying to stay away from. "Jungkook", an unconscious whisper left your mouth which went unheard by everyone. You were frozen in your place unable to do anything. All the moments that you spend with him happy or sad were playing in the back of your head like a movie in a theatre.

Your small little dates, cuddles, kisses, video calls, you cheering him in his performances, taking care of him during practices, him giving you small gifts, stealing pecks from you and making you feel like the only person in this world. Everything came back with that last video message and award show announcement. You were numb in his hold until his voice brought you back in reality.

"Eva... please say something... I don't want to lose you again... please", Jungkook pleaded while tightening his hold on you. All your numbness soon turned into anger, using all your strength you broke out of his hug and turn around to push him far away from you.

"Yah!... how dare you to touch me huh?... I don't have time to waste otherwise I would have made you pay for what you just did", you spoke each and every word through gritted teeth showing how much you were boiling from inside.

You saw his frowning face and teary eyes looking in your eyes like he could see directly in your soul searching for some compassion for him but couldn't find any. You were fluttered just by his presence, after all, he was your love but your anger didn't let you show this to him or anyone out there. You managed to keep your cold, rude and arrogant attitude up as your defence wall.

Not wanting to stay near him anymore you turned around and started walking away from him. "Eva!!!", you heard rest of Bangtan calling out for you from afar but you ignored it and kept walking away until that group from before again stepped forward blocking your way. "Back off", you spat arrogantly not caring to be polite and calm anymore, all you wanted was to get away from them, from him.

But that group was as stubborn as you were. Groaning in frustration you again tried to walk past them from the side but didn't let you do that. "what the hell is your problem?!", you yelled at them making them flinch in their spot from your outburst.

"Eva... please listen to us... to me for once... please don't ignore me like I don't even exist... please... I know I did a mistake and I am sorry for that", Jungkook said in the softest voice he could which was overwhelmed the emotion of longing but you just kept back facing him and closed your eyes while knitting your eyebrows together. Your mind keeps telling you.

Don't listen to him Y/n... don't...

he is here to just play with you again...

he played with you once...

he betrayed you once...

and he won't hesitate to do it again...

don't get entrapped in his sugar-coated words...

he will leave you once again...

broken and lonely...

don't fall for him...

don't let him control you...

Taking a deep breath you opened your eyes feeling convinced with your thoughts and turned around to face Jungkook. He smiled as soon as you both made eye contact.

"Look... I need to go right now... I am getting late for my flight and I seriously don't have any time to talk... you mistook me for some Eva who I am not... so stop wasting your time for finding someone who might not even exist in this world... now can you ask your people to let me go... or I will have to call the police and file a complaint against them", you said with no emotions flashing across your eyes just emptiness.

The smile on Jungkook's face soon disappeared and was replaced with a frown while you looked over your shoulder to give that group a death glare. Jungkook nodded his head which made the group step aside. A satisfied smirk came on your face without wasting any further moment you turned around and started walking away from them until Jungkook's voice made you stop in your tracks.

"until when are you going to run away from me?... no matter how much you deny.. we both know that you still love me... so please stop running away... please Eva... stop this", his word came out shaky than he wanted to. But he couldn't do anything about it either. 

He knew he couldn't live without you anymore and was expecting the same thing from you but right now the girl standing in front of him was not what he expected her to become. He saw it in your eyes...


And now he didn't know what to do to remove it. He just wanted you back that's what he knew.

His words made you scoff really hard which didn't get unnoticed by him. You turned around to approach him and stopping few steps away from him you said, "like really... you are such a delusional boy... who said that I am in love with you...", you finger quoted 'in love' before letting a lifeless chuckle out of your mouth.


To Be Continued

Hey guys... so as I said updated on time after so long I update as I promised.

Do tell me how was the chapter and do forget to press the start button below if you liked it and share if you want others to know this book as well.

And lastly, thank you to all those who have been commenting on this book and motivation me with their precious messages. Thank you so much <3

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