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"Favourite food?" I asked, while shoving a heap of pancakes in my mouth. Sebastian and I have been asking each other questions back and forth. I'm starting to get to know him more, even though I know him in the most intimate ways already.

"Garlic bread, definitely," he answered, as if it's the simplest question in the world. I couldn't help but laugh at his determined stare that clearly said don't-mess-with-me-on-this. "Favourite colour?" He asked, taking a sip from the take-away cup.

"Blue, like your eyes," I said. I didn't mean for it to sound cheesy or cliché, but his eyes are so gorgeous, I can't help but love the colour of them. I studied them intently, and finally came to a decision that the sky was indeed trapped in his beautiful orbs. Rarely I'd call a man beautiful, handsome is usually a more fitting word, but if you were to look into his eyes, you'd use the word beautiful as well.

All of a sudden, Sebastian abruptly stood up, accidently knocking over his drink. He looked angry, but somewhere deep in his eyes I do see lust. "What? What's wrong?" I hurriedly asked, panicking that I'd said something wrong. I quickly grabbed the leaking cup and turned it the right way up.

"You can't look at me that way and not expect me to not fuck you," he said, all riled up. This is all because I was studying him?

He started to place everything in the take-away bag, his frame tense. I soundly watched him as his arms moved and his muscles clenched. Shaking my head, I realised that I was probably making it worse by ogling him, it was only turning me on more and I wasn't ready to have wild, crazy sex in a wild, crazy place. "Wait!" I said, grabbing onto his moving body to stop him. "I'll close my eyes. Look see! Closed!" I exaggerated by closing my eyes and placing my hands over them for extra precaution.

It was quiet for a moment, and I didn't dare move my hands from my face. I wanted so badly to see his reaction, but I didn't have to when I heard him start cackling. Daringly, I moved one finger to the side to get a glimpse of him. God, his laugh wasn't just gorgeous, but he looked gorgeous when he laughed.

When I saw him start to sober up, I quickly moved my finger back, hoping that he hadn't caught me. I suppose I wasn't doing anything wrong, but I just felt naughty, I guess you could say. All of this was still new to me. I heard his footsteps near before I felt his warm hands tug my own away from my face. I expected him to say something cute or sexy, but my jaw went slack when he said what I wasn't expecting.

"You're an idiot," he chuckled.

He only laughed harder when he saw my mouth fall open. "Close your mouth love, we might get caught for public indecency," he added, while using his finger to lock my jaw shut. I went to hit him on the chest, but he quickly grabbed me by the wrist and hauled myself closer to him. I tried to struggle out, which in turn just landed us on the floor next to the table. He went down with a thump and I couldn't help but giggle as I landed on top of him.

Softer Sins (18+)Where stories live. Discover now