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A/N: I know it's very short and just a filler chapter but I have big plans for the ending of this book which unfortunately is coming up very soon :(

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A/N: I know it's very short and just a filler chapter but I have big plans for the ending of this book which unfortunately is coming up very soon :(

I sat in the room in silence. The only thing that could be heard was the loud ticking of the clock. It felt as though my heart was pumping too fast for my body, but I didn't really know why I was so nervous. I hadn't done anything wrong. Right?

She was staring at me from the chair beside me, a look of murder on her face. I knew the only thing she wanted to do in that moment was punch my lights out. That wasn't my friend. This girl needed serious help.

"Miss Richards, you have something to say to Miss Jones?" Spoke the headmaster.

She had many things to say to me alright.

"I'm sorry for punching you."

No you're not.

"It won't happen again."

After that, she closed her mouth but I knew she definitely had more to say to me.

"As discussed, Miss Richard has detention for a month for hitting another student. As for the 'boy drama' Miss Richards will also be required to see the counsellor twice a week," stated the headmaster.

"What?!" Caylee stood from her chair. "She's the bitch who tried to steal MY boyfriend."

"A person is not an object," I chimed in.

The headmaster ignored me but Caylee definitely heard me.

"Punching someone over a boy is unacceptable! If you weren't in school you'd be facing serious charges Miss Richards!"

"Well what about her," Caylee pointed at me. "What's her punishment?"

The headmaster looked at me and thought about it.

"Don't bring that boy onto school property again."

I nodded.

"That's it?!" Caylee yelled. "She ruined my life!"

"Enough Miss Richards! Get out both of you."

"This is not over" Caylee said, very hostile.

She stormed out of the room, me following shortly after.

Sebastian left with the boys and I left with my mother who was still slightly annoyed with me.

The stars were out by the time I got home and was finally able to have a hot shower. The warm water cascaded down my back, soothing my tense muscles. I was just pulling my shirt over my head when my phone started vibrating like crazy.

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