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The weekend came sooner than expected

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The weekend came sooner than expected. One minute I was happily lounging in my pyjamas, alone in my bed and then the next I was getting ready for my eighteenth.

I was now in my outfit Rosie and I had picked out, feeling a little self-conscious with the amount of skin I was showing around the top half of my body. I knew I'd get cold, especially if I'd only be drinking a few cups of alcohol. I hadn't planned on getting drunk, I needed to be some-what sober when it was time to clean the house.

"I'm so excited for tonight! This is going to be great. Just us girls, having a good old' time," Rosie exclaimed, while applying mascara to her already, long lashes.

"You know what will be even more fun? Cleaning up the mess in the morning!" Caylee said, sarcastic but cheerful. I couldn't help but chuckle as Rosie stuck her tongue out at Caylee.

"What about you Maizie? Are you keen?" Rosie asked, turning to me.

"Are you sure this is okay to wear? I mean it's not hiding much," I questioned, having another look at my outfit in the full-body mirror. The crop top really only covered my chest, and if the jeans weren't high waisted, I'd feel naked.

"You look great! Don't you want a certain someone to see what he's been missing?" Caylee wiggled her eyebrows up and down.

"Sebastian's an asshole, she doesn't need his approval," Caylee said, applying a layer of lip gloss to her lips.

It went silent as Rosie and I stared at her. Her words were harsh and crueller than one would think. Her tone had an underlying meaning, and I had a small feeling she wasn't talking about Sebastian.

This wasn't her usual self. Sure, she was more straight forward than other people we knew, and we were used to that. We weren't used to this. She'd never been this rude to either of us before.

"Hey, are you okay?" I softly questioned. "Because if there is something going on, you can tell us. If you feel like you can't talk to me because of what's happened recently- "

"It's nothing," she harshly cut me off. Rosie and I stared at her again. "God, you guys are such a bore. I'll be downstairs, setting the drinks up," she said then practically raced out of the room.

I looked to Rosie. "What was that about?"

"I have no idea."

"Do you think it had something to do with the breakup? Her not being able to confide in me because she thinks she can't?" I asked Rosie.

She shook her head. "No, she'd be more upset and would've at least told me. That was something different. She looked at us like..."

"Like she hated us."

It was silent for a bit. We weren't sure why Caylee would suddenly treat us this way. It wouldn't be because she didn't come shopping with us, in fact she declined.

Softer Sins (18+)Where stories live. Discover now