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A/N: I'm seeing Ed Sheeran tonight eeek! I'm also in exam week so I'm almost done for my school term

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A/N: I'm seeing Ed Sheeran tonight eeek! I'm also in exam week so I'm almost done for my school term. Woop Woop! Don't forget to vote and comment y'all!

The front door slammed loud behind Fluff and me. I took a moment to straighten myself out and tighten the leash on Fluff's collar. It was currently Friday afternoon and I was bored out of my mind.

I haven't seen Sebastian since Monday afternoon when he took me out for dinner and almost got caught by my mum dropping me home. We'd been texting and sometimes even calling late at night, but it wasn't the same as seeing each other in person. We hadn't made any recent plans, but I was hoping we'd see each other sooner rather than later.

Just as I was setting my music, Fluff started rapidly barking before tugging hard on the leash. I had to let go otherwise she would've pulled my arm out of my socket. I looked up to scold her, but my eyes went wide as I took in the view.

Sebastian was bent over with a golden retriever going crazy in his arms. Fluff's hair was flying in the wind with every belly rub he was giving her. Hastily, I straightened my shirt out and tightened my pony tail before walking over to the pair. It looked as if they liked each other more than they liked me.

I placed my hands on my hips before clearing my throat. The two of them stopped before looking up at me guiltily. It seemed as though Sebastian became hotter every time I saw him and the pout he was sporting made my eyes go directly to hips plump lips.

It was only when Fluff rolled over that both of their facades were broken. Fluff looked up at me happily, with her tongue sticking out of her mouth when Sebastian's pout turned into a large smile. He stood up straight before grasping the back of my neck and learning in for a deep kiss.

I blinked when he pulled back, Sebastian laughing at my dazed self. "Not that I don't like the surprise, but what are you doing here?" I asked once I'd successfully recovered.

"Why? Can't I come see my girl unannounced?" He asked me, while bending down to scratch behind Fluff's ears.

I ignored his question, because he already knew the answer to it. My mother wasn't going to find out about Sebastian until I was at least eighteen, she would literally murder me. He was lucky she was finishing up some paper work and was held back.

"Come on, let's take the dog for a walk. Oh, you can come too Fluff," I joked. Sebastian pinched my ass and in return I slapped his arm. He quickly pulled me against him, our lips mere centimetres apart.

"Baby, you know I'm the only one who does the punishing in this relationship," his husky voice stated. "And you still have two left." I shivered and audible gulped when his smirk grew. He pecked my lips before playfully pushing me away.

"How was your week?" I asked, as we walked hand in hand. His fingers brushed mine before I intertwined our fingers. He gave me a light squeeze, pulling our hands closer to him. I shuffled closer, liking the feel of his body next to mine.

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