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A/N: I don't have anything to say apart from that boys are trash and my heart is broken

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A/N: I don't have anything to say apart from that boys are trash and my heart is broken.

Sunday morning, I woke up a mess. My hair was tangled on top of my head, there was dried drool on my chin, and my neck was throbbing from the angle I had slept on. I slowly began to stretch my aching bones, contemplating if today was worth getting out of bed for.

What I noticed first was the lack of bodies in my room. There were sheets and pillows scattered throughout, obvious evidence that I had not spent the night alone, but as I looked around I could only see Fluff happily snoring away on the tossed sheets.

I rubbed my dry eyes, my mind off and my body on flight mode. At least until I heard shuffling on the other side of my bedroom door. I squinted at the gap beneath the piece of wood to hardly make out the shape of shadows. It was even more suspicious when I heard hushed voices from the other side.

"Hurry up and light the damn candles!" I faintly heard Caylee's voice.

"Shut up or she'll hear you," Rosie snapped back.

I considered saying something but was honestly enjoying the free entertainment right outside my door. It seemed as Fluff was entertained as well, her tail wagging and a big smile. I could've sworn I heard shoving and pushing before the door suddenly swung open.

The first thing I noticed was the pain on Rosie's face and the smug look on Caylee's. It brought a small smile to my lips which quickly vanished as I looked at the items in the girl's hands.

I was confused at first, studying the items in their hands. It took me a moment or two to realise why Rosie was holding a cake and why Caylee was holding a wrapped gift. It was my birthday, and a boy had made me so upset that I had forgotten the day I had been looking forward to in months.

"Happy Birthday!" Both girls screamed.

The happiness only lasted a moment, before their eyes landed on my face. They looked concerned, but more confused at my frozen state.

"Is she in shock?" Rosie not-so-subtly whispered to Caylee.

Caylee studied me for a moment, before walking over and sitting to the side of my bed. She squinted her eyes, poking and prodding, until she pinched my arm. Hard.

"Ouch!" I hissed, pulling my sore arm away from her. "What the hell was that for?"

She shrugged. "I'm just making sure you're alive. Are you sure there's someone in there?" She asked, tapping on my forehead before I slapped her hand away.

"Yes, this head is occupied. I just forgot it was my birthday is all," I grumpily shrugged off.

"Forgot it was your birthday?" Rosie practically screamed. Even Fluff whined at her loud, high pitched tone. She began to rapidly shuffle over, forgetting about the sugar-filled cake in her hands.

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