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A/N: oops 

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A/N: oops 

The gun clicked.

"Caylee... What are you doing?" I said in the softest voice.

"Did you not just hear what I said?" She pushed the barrel further towards Sebastian's head.

He didn't move. He didn't react. His eyes were void and there was no way of telling what was going through his head. I finally realised he was in shock. Frozen.

I my heart was thumping harder than it ever had before. My whole body shook with fear. I couldn't cry or break down, for Sebastian's sake. I had to be strong in order for both of us to come out of this situation unharmed. Or at least for Sebastian to be unharmed.

"You don't have to do this," I pleaded. My arms were up in peace. "Why would you hurt the person you love?"

"She said you'd try and do this. Try and get under my skin." She answered harshly.

It was then that I noticed she herself was shaking. She wasn't prepared to pull the trigger and we both knew it, or at least she didn't know that I knew.

"Who?" I whispered.

"Me, obviously."

I heard her heels echo against the cement before she came out of the shadows. She wore a black cocktail dress that left nothing to imagination, but it was Vanessa, what else would I have suspected.

"Where do you think she got the gun from?" She smiled sadistically.

"Why?" I whispered, my voice shaking and the tears ready to fall from my eyes. Sebastian was stone cold and still with the gun against his head.

"Well I did a little bit of thinking," she said, walking slowly towards Sebastian and Caylee. Her heels were the only bit of noise that anyone of us could hear, apart from the loud thumping in all of our chests.

"It seems that you, Caylee and I all have a little bit of a problem. We all seem to love the same person who doesn't love us back."

I wanted to interrupt. Scream. Sebastian loved me and it was the reality that neither Caylee of Vanessa wanted to accept. I saw Sebastian twitch when those words left her mouth. He was thinking the exact thing that I was.

"At first, I was jealous that all of us were competing for Sebastian, but then it hit me. We aren't the problem here, he is."

She finally reached the two. Caylee pushed Sebastian forward, keeping the gun pointed at the back of his head. Vanessa gently caressed Sebastian's cheek. His face grew tight with anger, but he knew he couldn't do anything about it.

"He tricked all of us. Manipulating us into loving him just so he could play with us. We are just a game to him."

Sebastian looked me in the eye. His furrowed his brows and subtly shook his head at me.

"Even if that were true," I whispered, shaking more than I ever have before, "he doesn't deserve to die."

Vanessa turned to Caylee, taking the gun from her hands. Caylee's eyes glistened with tears. She was just as scared as we were. Vanessa was truly crazy, at least Caylee had some sense in her, even if it was minute.

It hit me that Jax had tried to warn me. He knew something was happening and he tried to stop me. Even if he told me what would happen if I stepped foot into the carpark, I still would've come. I couldn't leave Sebastian. I loved him.

Vanessa pointed the gun to side of Sebastian's head, who flinched when he felt the cold barrel pressed against his head once again.

"Playing with someone's heart is a very dangerous thing," Vanessa spoke. "And yet here he is playing with three. You think he loves you Maizie? He doesn't. He's using you, just like he used me and just like he used Caylee. Right Caylee?"

She didn't answer. Vanessa didn't like that. She turned to her, keeping the gun help high.


The tears finally fell from her eyes onto her cheeks. "I don't like this Vanessa," she spoke inaudibly. "I think we've gone too far."

"Too far? He is the problem here! He needs to suffer!"

Caylee stumble back as Vanessa yelled at her. She moved the gun from Sebastian's head and pointed it towards Caylee.

Caylee began balling and stumbling backwards, her hands held above her head. "Vanessa please! I helped you!"

"You did," she said calmly. "Which is why this will only hurt a little bit."

She fired the gun. Caylee's scream echoed through the air.

She fell to the ground, clutching her leg. Blood started to puddle on the ground around her. My hands had gone to my mouth to stop myself from screaming. Sebastian had closed his eyes, a single tear falling from them.

"What did you do?" I wept.

"Oh please," Vanessa spoke, unimpressed. "I only shot her in the leg, she'll live."

"You're fucking crazy," I spoke through my gritted teeth, my own cheeks wet with tears.

She pointed the gun back towards Sebastian. We all knew that Caylee wasn't able to pull the trigger, but now we had no clue of what Vanessa was capable.

"You know," she spoke, putting the gun down by her side, "maybe I was wrong." We all let out the breath we were holding. Vanessa scratched the back of her head with the gun and took a step away from Sebastian.

"Maybe Sebastian didn't get into all our heads. Maybe someone got into his."

Vanessa took a step towards me, slowly starting to lift the gun towards me. My heart felt like it was about to fall out of my chest.

"You've been a pain in my ass, Maizie. You don't listen when I threaten you, you steal Sebastian from me and convince him that I'm the bad guy."

I saw Caylee in a puddle of her own blood. She was pale and would soon loose consciousness.

"Vanessa," Sebastian finally spoke. "Don't do this. We can be together. She means nothing to me."

I couldn't even look him in the face.

She paused, lowering the gun and turning to Sebastian.

"Really?" She smiled happily. 

"Yes baby. Just me and you. You don't have to hurt her. We'll run away together."

"You're right. I don't have to hurt her."

She looked down at the gun, the smile still on her face and tears in her eyes. She started laughing.

"I have to kill her," she whispered.

Then she lifted the gun and pulled the trigger.

The sound echoed in the air, then everything went silent. I could see their mouth's moving and Vanessa drop the gun.

My chest felt warm and something began to dampen my shirt.

My heart stopped. 

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