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The bright sun was warm on my skin and the sand was soft between my toes.

It felt like heaven.

I took a deep breath, taking in the smell of the salty sea. I dug my toes further into the sand and left the cool, blue water envelope my ankles.  The soft breeze littered my unkept hair around my face. 

The ocean was the bluest i'd ever seen in my life. I couldn't ever imagine that the sea could be this beautiful. It felt like a dream.

But then my dream came crumbling down.

A little person came crashing into me from behind and latched onto my legs. It giggled when I tried to worm free. The giggle turned into a squeal of full blown laughs when I started wiggling my legs like crazy. I couldn't help but laugh as well. 

I picked up my little bundle of joy who couldn't stop giggling.

"Daddy owes me ice cream!" She shouted excitedly, clapping her little hands.

"Does he now?" I asked, tapping her on the nose. "Why would daddy owe you an ice cream, huh?"

She giggled again, leaning her little head closer to my ear. "Daddy said that if I can catch you I get ice cream."

"I think I'm the one that's caught you," I whispered back, tickling her little tummy. She erupted in a fit of laughter, her few squeals catching the attention of the few passers. 

I put her down on the ground, kneeling down to her level. "Go tell daddy he owes us a both an ice cream." With that she squealed and hurried off to where she came from.

I turned back to the ocean, once again feeling the warm sun on my face and the soft breeze on my skin. I felt his presence behind me. It was so familiar from feeling it so many times before. 

I placed the palm of my hand on my chest, gently caressing the familiar scar.  It was only a few moments before his large, warm hand engulfed mine, stopping any movement.

His other arm wrapped itself around my waist and his head nuzzled into the crook of my neck, placing a light kiss to the skin. We stayed like that for a moment, happy and peaceful. I took in his presence as he took in mine.

"Yuck! Mummy and Daddy are kissing," a little voice piped up from behind us.

Sebastian and I untangled ourselves and looked at our little monster. She was blowing raspberries at us and pulling uncomfortable, yet wacky faces. Sebastian and I looked at each other, before charging at our little girl.

She squealed and began to run away, but we were too fast for her. Sebastian caught her in his arms and began tickling her like there was no tomorrow.

"Mummy save me!" She managed to get out through a fit of giggles.

"Did you hear something?" I asked turning to Sebastian.

"No, I don't think I did," he answered, tickling her once more.

Sebastian finally stopped tickling her in order for her to breathe and calm down. "That was evil," she spoke with a pout.

"I think it's time for some ice cream," I said, rubbing my large, pregnant belly.

Our little monster squealed again and started running back towards the shore.

I stretched out my back, Sebastians hand soon placing his hand on the sore spot and pulling me closer to him by my waist. His warm lips came down on mine and once again I felt like I was in heaven.

Even with his soft touch, I could still see all the little sins in his eyes.


Softer Sins (18+)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя