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A/N: I know it's a little short but I wanted to put something out for you guys bc im lazy and a bad person

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A/N: I know it's a little short but I wanted to put something out for you guys bc im lazy and a bad person. also feel free to dm me if ya seen the new avengers and wanna chat bc OH MY GOODNESS!

I sat in the nurse's office alone as I clutched my bleeding nose. Rosie was dismissed to go see our headmaster as soon as she dropped me off. The nurse had muttered something under her breath about needing more, gave me a few tissues and ran out the door.

My nose was throbbing and tender and I knew that I probably wasn't going to look to pretty once I saw myself in the mirror. I sat in silence wondering what Sebastian was currently doing, especially after he got kicked off the school grounds.

I sighed, the noise echoing in the empty room. The bright, orange sun was shining through the thin curtains, indicating that the day was coming to an end. I wasn't anticipating the sun to become brighter. The light blinded me, and I felt a cool breeze float across my body.

"You have a thing with windows," I spoke aloud, using my hand to shield my eyes from the sun.

And just like a movie, the sunlight was blocked but a muscular silhouette, Sebastian's face becoming cleared with each step closer.

"And you sound like a man," he said, still coming closer.

I scrunched up my face, pushing the tissue further into my bruised nose to try and shield it.

"I'm just kidding baby, you look and sound gorgeous," he said, finally sitting down on the nurse's bed beside me.

"Don't lie," I said, "You're just trying to sweet talk me, so we'll have sex later."

He smiled and shook his head. He shuffled closer and raised his hand. "Let me see it?" He asked.

I shook my head. "Not unless you put on one of those cute nurse's outfits first," I joked.

"Deal," he said. "Now move the tissue Maizie."

I looked into his eyes. There wasn't any room for argument, but I could see pure concern in his eyes. He just really wanted to see if I was okay. So, I slowly moved the tissue away from my face. The bleeding had finally stopped but my nose was still throbbing.

His hand reached up to cup my cheek as he carefully studied my bashed and bruised nose. He leaned in and placed a kiss on my forehead.

"I swear I was going to hit her," he growled angrily. I leant my head against his shoulder and slapped him on the chest lightly.

"We don't hit anyone Sebastian," I scolded. I was quiet for a moment before I added quietly, "only if they ask."

He laughed loudly at my words. "Are you insinuating something babe?" He asked wickedly.

I rolled my eyes.

"I'll let you get away with that eyeroll since you're already injured," Sebastian told me. I looked him directly in the eye as I rolled them again.

He shook his head with a small smile on his face. Then it was silent for a while.

"You're too good for me," he whispered, leaning his head on my own, that was still on his shoulder.

"I know," I said playfully.

I closed my eyes, sighing and very grateful for Sebastian in that moment. He kissed my forehead again and a small smile made its way to my lips. Our peaceful silence only lasted a little while before we heard heavy footsteps make their way down the hall. I had a feeling it was the headmaster or nurse of someone to take me to the office, but I was mistaken. The person who stood in front of me was the one who terrified me the most.

"Maizie Jones! What the HELL is going on?!" My mother practically screamed at me.

My face went bright red. I was surprised when another figure stood beside my mum.

"Yeah little sis, I've been gone a year and look at the trouble you get yourself into," said Ashley.

Ashley and I held a challenging gaze for a few moments, and I felt Sebastian tense next to me. After a minute or two Ashley broke out into a smile and I leapt off the bed into her arms.

"You haven't changed," said Ashley, "you're still ugly."

I shoved her back and turned towards my mother who was still fuming.

"Explain," was all she said, yet the word had so much power in it that she even had Sebastian cowering, and he was pretty tough.

So, I did. I explained everything from the beginning, well not everything. Her face held its stern expression throughout me telling the story. I saw Ashley in the corner of my eyes looking lost and baffled and Sebastian had his head down in shame.

Minutes had passed after I had finished telling the story and my mother's face still hadn't changed. Everyone was silent and that was strange because Ashley tended to talk too much for her own good.

"So, Caylee broke you and Sebastian up then punched you when you found out?" My mother asked.

"Yes?" I asked as if she was the one who told the story, not me.

My mother let out a deep breath. "Thank God, I always hated that girl."

"Wait what?"

"She was always so mean to you and Rosie and Rosie even told me that she bought you the ring and that Caylee just slapped her name on it. I mean seriously that girl..."

My mother went on and on, listing the reasons why she didn't like Caylee and it was like the episode of How I Met Your Mother when everyone realised everyone's bad habits. The glass was shattering in my head as my mother listed off every little thing that should've been a sign for Rosie and me.

As she was talking, I looked back to Sebastian who was still sitting on the nurse's bed. I smiled and urged him to come over. He shook his head like a scared little puppy.

I walked towards him, my mother going silent and grabbed him by the arm. I dragged him over to my mother who wasn't showing any kind of expression.

"Mum... this is Sebastian. Sebastian this is my mum."

Sebastian gave a gently smile. "I'm really sorry for all this Miss Jones," he said, offering his hand towards my mother.

My mum just looked at his hand floating in the air and pushed it aside. She took a step closer and Sebastian gulped.

"Don't you hurt my little girl again," she said sternly. Sebastian nodded his head quickly.

Then she did what none of us was expecting, apparently apart from Ashley as she smiled, and squished Sebastian into her arms.

"Welcome to the family," she smiled.

Sebastian looked just as confused as I did. That was when Ashley walked over and held her hand out for Sebastian to shake.

"I'm Ashley," she said, winking at him.

"I love you sister," he said politely, shaking her hand. I covered my smile with my hand.

"And I'll probably love your sister," Ashley said, giving him another wink and Sebastian blushed.

It was at that time the nurse finally came back into the room with a glass of water in her hands.

"Headmaster wants to see you Miss Jones."

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