11. Where Do We Go from Here?

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[WARNING: sexual content]

11. Where Do We Go from Here?

The kiss was short, and soft. A peck.

"I'm so sorry," Aaron repeated, and then he kissed me again. And he pulled away, "so sorry."

My eyes fell onto his face, and I took in his look all over again. His ash brown hair, his hazel eyes, his olive skin, and those soft, pink lips. He was staring back at me with those beautiful eyes. Was he examining my face like I was his?

He lips brushed mine again, and again. And then he was kissing me harder and my eyes were closed. Aaron's hand was still on my neck; it was warm to the touch.

"I never wanted to hurt you, Caleb." The way he said my name sent a shiver down my spine, and then he was kissing me again. I placed my hands on his hips, and they fell into the place that had become so familiar over the summer. Aaron's other hand was against my head now, he deepened the kiss.

I was the first to pull away. Aaron's lips looked a little red. Mine probably looked similar. "What are we doing?"

One minute Aaron was telling me that what had happened over summer was never going to happen again; the next it was happening again.

"Just-," Aaron cut himself off by kissing me again, and I accepted it.

His hands ran down my neck, familiarising themselves with my body all over again. Aaron's tongue was in my own mouth, the taste was all too familiar. All too enjoyable. His hands continued to wander. Down my back. Onto my hips.

They stopped at the elastic waistband of my gym shorts.

Aaron pulled back, looking at me in a way that could only be described as wanting. He licked his lips and he pecked mine one more time.

And then he was on his knees, and my shorts were no longer keeping me covered. I gasped as his lips trailed over me; I hadn't even realised that I was hard.

The car was the only thing blocking us from the public street. Even so, if someone was to walk by they'd know what was going on from my face alone. The noises weren't helping either. I'd missed this so much. I'd never expected it to happen again.

I had one hand in Aaron's hair and other held onto the car when I climaxed. Aaron stayed on his knees for a couple of seconds afterwards, and then he stood up and wiped his mouth with the back of his hand.

"I'll take you home."

The moment was over.


We drove back into Brooklyn in silence. It was worse than the drive out there. I wanted to talk to Aaron, make sense of what had happened. I'd given him directions to my apartment, that was our only conversation.

"Thanks," I spoke when we reached my home. Aaron didn't respond.

I got out of his car and he drove away. Now it was just me and my thoughts.

My mom probably wasn't in, but my dad's car was parked outside of our building. I walked up the steps to the door feeling completely dazed and pressed the buzzer. Someone let me in almost instantly. The main door clicked open.

As I walked into our building I saw Aaron face in my mind.

The elevator was already at the ground floor. I pressed the number 4 and waited for the door to close. They closed with a 'ding'.

It felt like I was back in Miami. Instead of being in a smoky-smelling elevator I was in my red pickup truck. The feeling of what Aaron had just done was still prominent, but I tried to ignore it and did my best to act casual. Judging by my reflection in the mystery-stained mirror wall, I wasn't doing a good job. I was smiling a full smile, it wasn't even close to acting casual.

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