23. Truths Within

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23. Truths Within

After he'd asked me to therapy with him, Aaron had been the only thing on my mind.

I'd barely slept a wink on Monday night, and by three o'clock the next morning I was wide awake - and Aaron was still the only person I could think about.

Once school had finished on Tuesday I felt slightly sick with nerves as I walked through the hallway, with Kasim by my side. Aaron had asked me to meet him just outside of the school's main doors, so that's what I intended to do.

"Any plans for later on?" Kas asked.

For a brief second I thought about lying. "I'm meant to be hanging out with Aaron, if I can find him," I admitted truthfully.

This was the kind of thing that I'd usually tell Noelle, but we had yet to talk following Friday night. I figured that she knew about me and Aaron, and that was why she'd been ghosting me for the last few days. Obviously she didn't know the full story, and she wouldn't give me the chance to explain - not that I really needed to explain myself to her.

"Aaron?" Kasim raised one eyebrow. "I thought nothing was going on between you two?"

I nodded. "Nothing's going on, Kas. We're friends."

"For now..."

Adam was stood by the lockers, and the moment Kasim saw him he'd as good as forgotten about Aaron and the conversation we'd been having. "I'll see you tomorrow," Kas said, halting in the middle of the hallway. "If you need me, text me. And I hope that it all goes well with you-know-who."

"Goodbye, Kas."

I continued alone, playing with my fingers anxiously as I did so. Then I was outside of the school and looking for Aaron. It reminded me of being in Miami and waiting for Aaron outside of a random food joint, or standing on some random corner for him. He'd always had a bad habit of being late, and I'd grown used to that.

Initially I didn't spot him, until I did; he was speaking to Jorge. I stood back, waiting patiently for Jorge to leave so that neither Aaron, nor I, would have to answer any questions about what we had planned.

"You're here." My plan failed to moment Aaron saw me, beckoning me over.

I nodded, forcing myself to smile; it probably looked more like a grimace. "Yep, and ready to go," I answered as I reached the two guys. Jorge turned to me, not smiling, but also not glaring - I guess it was a slight improvement.

"Right." Aaron smiled softly at nothing in particular, and I instantly felt relieved. "I'll see you later, Jorge. Come on, Caleb."

And like a dog, I obeyed.


The car ride was quiet, but comfortably quiet.

It only took about thirty minutes to get to the therapist's office, and Aaron and I specifically avoided talking about what he was going to walk into. Instead we made small-talk, and Aaron hummed along to his playlist of updated rap music.

Now we were sat in the waiting room in an awkward silence, along with a couple of others.

"So..." I tried, anything to fill the silence.

"So," Aaron replied.

I rubbed my hands together awkwardly. "You haven't actually said how you're feeling about this," I spoke softly.

Aaron shrugged, turning to look at me. "I'm fine."

"Really, Aaron?"

"I'm fine." He fell silent again, and then looked up to me before rolling his eyes. "Ok, maybe I'm a little nervous," I continued to look at him, "fine, very nervous."

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