Hatake vs. Hatake

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Shinju's P.O.V

My burning hate for Sasuke only increased. I hated Sasuke Uchiha. I headed to the training ground number three to find Dad reading his perverted book once again.

"Hello!" I came out of nowhere.

His eye widened. "Shinju? How?" Dad was so shocked, he couldn't form any sentences.

"I don't want to talk about it..." I looked away. What happened in the last few hours was quite a shock and I still couldn't process all of this.

"Did they..." Dad didn't want to finish, fearing the worst. My eyes twitched in annoyance. His perverted series were sure rubbing off him.

"Idiot!" I smacked the back of his head. "You pervert! No, they did not!"

He sighed in relief. I shook my head. "You sir, should've sensed me by then."

"I was busy training."

"My hunches were correct, you are getting rusty..." I struck a nerve. His eye narrowed. "Says you, who got kidnapped without being on guard. When you are always on guard...even in your sleep." He shot back. My eye twitched and I cracked my knuckles. We circled each other and had a staring contest.

"Oh, it's on Hatake." He got in a stance. I cracked my other knuckles.

"It's been a while, when did we last do this?" I inquired still on my guard. "Way too long." He smirked. I narrowed my eyes.

"Come at me." I motioned him to attack me first. He ran towards me and balled his fist to my stomach. I dodged it just in time and back flipped smoothly with my hands in my pockets.

"You are a carbon copy of me ..." Dad said, deadpanned I shrugged in response.

I ran towards him with my hands in a tiger seal. "Konoha's secret jutsu..." I began, his eyes widened. Too late, I smirked. "A thousand years of pain!" I poked his butt making him fly 10 meters away. Payback for humiliating me 5 years ago. He landed face front on the lake, but I knew it was a substitution jutsu. I knew him, he wasn't the guy to fall off clumsily like this. I rolled my eyes.

"You can come out now, Dad. I'm not that stupid." I heard kunais whizzing towards my direction, I deflected each and every one of them. I saw one of them with an explosive tag, I applied water before it could explode. Silence fell in the training ground and leaves were flying around. I checked my surroundings. Up, right, left, behind. I put a kunai on the ground sensing my father's chakra, making the ground tremble, revealing a hand trying to grab my foot. I stomped his hand, earning a wince from him.

Dad 'magically' got out from the ground, and landed swiftly. He held his hand, trying to diminish the pain but failed. He wailed and glared at me. "Ouch. Why did you stomp my hand?" Dad cried dramatically.

"I no longer fall for these kinds of tricks." I simply said. He launched over to me, but I dodged his 'bear attack hug' and got out a kunai. "Enough play time, let's get serious," I said getting into a stance.

"I agree," Dad said will playing with his metal things on his gloves. He then lifted his headband to reveal a blood red eye. I did the same action, and we started the battle. We clashed and clanged each other with punches here and there. "Suiton - Suiryūdan no jutsu" (Water Release: Water Dragon bullet technique)."

Dad performed a Chidori, making me step out of the water. He stole the water I was going to use and performed the same thing. No fair. We back flipped crossing each other and played rock paper scissors in slow motion. He changed his scissor into paper last minute when I formed my hand in a punch.

Cheater! He smiled at me and tackled me into a hug. We landed on the ground and he spun me around snuggling me to death. "Ack! Dad let me go! Let me go!" He chuckled and released me. I looked deeply into his eyes. I bopped his nose. "Boop" I smiled.

"You cheated, didn't you?" His eyes widened. "I saw you with my Sharingan. You changed your hand from a scissor to a paper last minute." I looked at him dead in the eye. He sweated from my intense glare.

"You saw me didn't you..." He smiled trying to dodge my glare.

"I'm not stupid," I said dryly. He rubbed his back. "Aww, is my Dad becoming an old grandpa?" I said in a baby voice. He snapped and glared at me. "I am not old."

"Sure, sure, your hair says it all..." I said. He sulked in the corner making me laugh.

"Come on, let's go." I grabbed his hand and walked around Konoha. We waved here and there to our fellow shinobi and shunshined to our apartment. I plopped down on my bed with Dad trying to give me a kiss on the forehead. He ended up kissing the pillow. I tackled him into a hug.

"Stay?" He nodded and we slept. 

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