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Kakashi's P.O.V

I was enjoying the rest of my day strolling around Konoha, thinking about how Shinju changed over the past years. She's no longer like Yuki, she looked more like me, however, the hair changing is still a mystery to me. Oh well, I guess it was puberty. I felt White Fang's Chakra approaching at a fairly fast pace. What happened? I saw a flash of White and Black. What? Something must have happened. I saw her team limping over the trees of Konoha. I followed them. "What happened?"

They all looked down. "It's Jiraiya-sama..." The wolf whispered.

My eye widened, no it can't be. He couldn't have been defeated this easily. Naruto would be devastated when he'll hear the news. I also realized the team was in a bad condition. I accompanied them to the hospital, and I headed to Shinju's room. She looked away when I entered her room. "Dad...It's my fault." I rushed to hug her. She sobbed in my arms and got into a mental breakdown.

"If it wasn't for my patience, Jiraiya would be still alive. I struck at the wrong time. What will Tsunade react? Heck, Naruto will be devastated. I failed."

"No Shinju...Pain defeated you all. He must have been a powerful opponent. You guys were outmatched." I comforted her.

"If only you were there, then you would've understood. My team probably lost doubt in me. I might even lose my rank." I heard clicking heels coming this way. Tsunade barged in with a worried look plastered on her face.

"Shinju!" Tsunade-sama pushed me away and hugged her tightly. Hey! I'm supposed to be the one comforting her. I wanted to say that but I knew I would face Tsunade's wrath. So, I sulked in a corner earning chuckles from Shizune and a snort from Ton-Ton.

Shinju's P.O.V

Here she is. What am I going to do? After Tsunade's bone-crushing hug, she let me go and looked at me dead in the eye. "What happened. I saw your team all knocked up. Where is Jiraiya?"

I looked away and silence filled in the room. Tsunade noticed my discomfort and got the message. I saw a few tears slip out of Tsunade's eyes. "So, it's true."

I faced her fierce eyes and decided to tell what happened. "There are 6 paths of Pains. I discovered that Pain had the Rinnegan, and had an incredible force. Each of the paths has a different ability. I couldn't figure any of them out. We decided to intervene when Jiraiya was in a crucial state, but they blew us away. One of them pinned me with a kunai on my side. I tried to stop them but my body wouldn't listen to me. He died bravely."

I tried not to cry but I couldn't help it. "It's all my fault. If only I intervened sooner than there would be a slight chance he would be alive." I said shamefully. I was so ashamed of myself. I was scared of what would happen next.

"It's not your fault Shinju. Even I tried to stop him. Don't worry you still have your status. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to a bar. Shizune please take care of the other patients." Tsunade left the room with her heels echoing the hallway. Dad came over to me and hugged me tightly. I felt my team's chakra approaching my room. They slide the door open and stood in front of me, with their hands behind. I sighed.

"If you wish to leave my unit you are welcome to. After all, I've made a bad decision. If you are ashamed of me being the captain then you may leave."

They all glanced at each other and back at me. They all rose their hands and clapped at me. I gave them confused looks. "Death Shadow, we are not ashamed of you being our captain." Wolf started. "You taught us many things. Sure, we've flunked this mission, but we all fought bravely." Tiger continued. "This mission may have been unsuccessful, but we were glad you were back," Fox added.

"So please, don't be ashamed of yourself. If you keep on mourning on how we were disappointed in you, we might replace our captain." Tiger said lightheartedly.

This made me smile. "I'm proud of my team." I smiled. Dad was standing in the corner sending everyone a smirk. He zoomed over to me and hugged me to death sending playful glares at my team. "All of this is nice and all, but if any of you are trying to ask my daughter out. You have to go through me first!" Dad declared. I sunk under the bedsheets embarrassed. My team recoiled slightly at Dad's claim. Dad let go of me and smiled at my team and chuckled.

"I'm just kidding." He said. Sure, Dad. Sure. My team left the room, talking to each other. I sighed and slumped down further in my bedsheets slowly falling asleep. The last thing I saw was Dad's smile, and darkness welcomed me.

I woke up and it was late afternoon. I was discharged from the hospital and headed to the office. I was greeted by Fukasaku-sama standing next to Tsunade. I bowed to him in respect, still ashamed of my actions. "So, this is the famous Death Shadow, I've heard." I was shocked, did my title spread the whole world or what?

"Child, you have nothing to be ashamed of. It wasn't your fault. It was Jiraiya's decision." Fukasaku addressed me. My eyes widened. "Tsunade-sama, how are we going to announce this to Naruto?" I said worried about Naruto's well-being. I knew Jiraiya considered him as his grandson. I had a feeling Naruto had this special bond with him. They were extremely close.

Tsunade sighed deeply. "Hiding the truth won't help. We have to tell him. Summon Naruto and the rest of the team."

A few moments later the team was gathered but Naruto was nowhere to be found. We announced the tragic news to everyone. Some of them were on the verge of crying, and some looked down.

I heard stomping in the hallway. Naruto... "Sorry...Huff...Huff...I'm late!" He said sheepishly with a big smile plastered on his face. He looked at the Sage. "Man! This toad is old!"

"Show some respect Naruto! This is the elder of all toads. He came all this way for you!" Scolded Tsunade.

"I'm afraid Jiraiya-chan is no longer with us." "Jiraiya-chan?!" Naruto asked in confusion and amusement.

"I'm afraid your training with Jiraiya will no longer be continuing." Naruto shot a confused look at Fukasaku-sama. "He died..." Tsunade had a hard time telling Naruto. There was an expression that I haven't seen from Naruto in a while. He was shocked and unable to say anything.

"Excuse me for a moment..." He left the office slouched and hurt.


"Sakura, leave him. Let him be. This news must have taken a huge toll on him." I turned to Fukasaku. "About the code, you've addressed." Fukasaku turned around with numbers. I quickly noted them down. "We have no time to lose. Jiraiya gave us a code, it might become useful to us." I handed the note to Shikamaru and he headed directly to the library.

We were all dismissed, and I strolled around the streets of Konoha and saw Naruto holding his jacket zipper. A part of me wanted to reach out to him but another part of me told me to leave him alone.

What a day...

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