Change of Heart

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Shinju's P.O.V

Ouch! I did not see that coming!

"You may have 90% of your Dad's traits but you still have 10% of my brain." I get that a lot of Mom. You have no idea.

"Ah, one thing before I go. You seek revenge on the masked man, right?"

"..." She knew?

"That's what I thought. I've seen, your eyes became a manslayer's eyes." How? How can she see of all this? Is this what you do when you die? Stalk people?

"I've had news from the Fourth. Don't you remember your father's words?"

"You'll only hurt yourself and agonize more than now. Even if you succeed in revenge, all that will remain is emptiness..."

"His words were wise, and saved me from killing someone who betrayed me. I don't want you to take the same path as your boyfriend."

My eyes snapped out wide open. "He's not my boyfriend!" I gritted my teeth. "Whatever you say dear. Anyways, what I'm trying to say is. Don't avenge me."

"What?!" I was outraged, how dare she? I worked my hardest to get to the point of killing the anonymous man.

"Don't avenge me. Only fight the man, if he is a threat to Konoha. Don't do it for my purpose."


"It's what I would've wanted." My world shook. I've been preparing for this moment my whole life. I guess I was wrong. I only got stronger in vain. I treated Dad horribly and I distanced myself from everyone.

"I guess it's time for me to go...My chakra's fainting."

"No! Mom...Don't leave me..." She ran up to hug me. "I won't..." Her chakra slowly fainted, and she was no longer there. Darkness welcomed me again, as I wrapped myself into a ball and sunk once again in the dark abyss.

Sakura's P.O.V

I felt Shinju's heartbeat getting slower. Her chakra was slowly disappearing. What was going on? All of a sudden green sparks flew all over Konoha, and people who were supposedly dead came back. The green sparks started to dissipate but Shinju wasn't responding. No, don't tell me...!

"Shinju! You can't die! Not yet!" I infused more chakra, but it didn't seem to work.

"Sakura." I felt a hand lay on my shoulders.

"Kakashi-sensei!" He closed his eyes and shook his head.

"It's useless. Don't waste your energy." I let go and stood up. Clenching my fists, I looked down. I sobbed, even though I've known her for a short amount of time, she was still a good friend. Kakashi-sensei looked away and looked above the sky.

"I'm going to get Naruto. Who knows in what condition that knucklehead would be in." An hour later the villagers started to crowd themselves out to the forest. Could it be Naruto? I really wanted to see him, but there was Shinju remaining. I couldn't leave my eyesight from her.

"Leave it to me Sakura, go ahead."

"Iruka-sensei!" He nodded in approval. I ran to where the villagers were. Like my hunches said, Naruto was being carried around Kakashi-sensei. The idiot was reckless, again!

I looked back at Shinju one more time and left the scenery. Iruka followed soon behind with Shinju in his arms. I ran to Naruto and bonked him on the head.

"Shinju!" I felt a breeze and saw Kakashi-sensei running in circles around Shinju. I pushed Kakashi-sensei away from her and scolded him. "Kakashi-sensei please be gentle around Shinju..."

Struggle (Sequel to Shinju Hatake)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu