Chapter 1

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With the wind smashing my face from the open window, I decide to put my brown hair behind my ears. I open the mirror above the front car window. I check my contacts of blue and look at my makeup to see if the sweat from my head made it water. 

Everything seems to look fine. I shut the mirror and sit back in my seat. 

"So, you have one week with One Direction. What are you going to do?" My mom asks as we arrive to the airport. 

I look out my window and smile "Hopefully have fun, and sing with them" 

I can't believe just one week ago I sent in a contest slip out of an old magazine from last month. I don't even really like One Direction. My friend told me about them. There supposed to be really famous. 

We park as the manager of One Direction comes out and greets us.

I look again through my window as she peeks in. 

"Are you Carly?" Her smile glowing.

"Yep that's me." I grab my bag from under my legs. 

"Well just come with me." And backs away from the door. 

"Bye sweetie." My mom gives me a hug from over the stick shift. 

"Bye mom, I'll call you." I smile as a I open the door and start to slide over the seat. Just then my mother says as loud as can be-

"AND NO KISSING." she laughs and I face-palm. Embarrassed, I walk over to the manager and my mom drives off.

"Sorry my mom can be a little-" I was about to finish the sentence when she does instead. 

"Annoying?" We both laugh. She takes my bag and hands it to the bodyguard and we walk inside.

Although no one really knows that the person I'm with is One Direction's manager she still needs a bodyguard.... Just in case. 

The bodyguard is still holding my bag as we walk to the front desk. 

"How many?" the man at the front desk asks. 

"Our seats were reserved." She smiles handing the man a slip of paper.

 "Oh wow, so you guys are with One D-" the man says out loud.

"SHHHHHHHH" We all say in unison and the man blushes. 

"Eheh.... Sorry, I'll get your tickets right away." The man, still embarrassed , looks at his computer screen and types in some names and numbers. Then a couple of tickets print out of some device and he hands it to us. I take a closer look at it and see the word. 'FIRST CLASS' I become gleeful and start smiling excitedly. 

"Looks like you see the first class writing?" The manager smiles and when I look at her we both laugh and look back at our tickets. 

Then we go into security. I can see people staring and ask the person next to them why we're with a bodyguard. I guess One Direction is big because every other person has a T-shirt with there name. 

"Carly?" The manager asks me.

I snap out of my thinking tranz. "Huh what?" I blankly look at her.

"I think now is a good time to take your shoes and socks off." she starts to take hers off and I do the same.

I put my stuff on the table and watch as they go in, along with my bag that the bodyguard put on before me.

I take a peek at the screen that's like an x-ray of my personal belongings. Just a couple of sweats and T-Shirts. On the slip I sent in the mail that said I'm getting a whole new wardrobe anyway. A $10,000 shopping spree with the wardrobe person that dresses the guys. Sounds like fun. I also brought my laptop and a book to read on the plane. 

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