Only if they knew my smile is fake.

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I woke up with my nose feeling really itchy for some reason, thinking nothing of it I scratched my nose but instead felt a load of foam on my face. I jumped up to find my eight year old brother lying on the floor with laughter.

I smirked evilly and jumped out of bed running at him as he tried to get up but fell back down from the rush, I holded his hands above his head with my legs either side of his body causing him to gulp in fear.

"You shouldn't of done that Mr Man" I said with a little chuckle causing him to stare at me wide eyes "I-I" to late I was already tickling him as he thrashed around under my grip giggling uncontrollably,

"Emmy p-p-please l-let m-me go" he said between laughs causing myself to crack up as I saw tears falling out his eyes from laughing too much "Ok" I shrugged getting off him and walking downstairs,

I saw my mother cooking pancakes, why is she cooking pancakes? she only cooks pancakes when she needs to tell us something, I walked in the kitchen eyeing her suspiciously

"Mum..." I said slowly as she looked up from her pan and smiled sadly at me causing my heart to quicken and sweat to build up on my forehead "Why are you cooking pancakes?" I said as my brother walked in and stood frozen in place,

"Mum..." Dylan said slowly walking towards me "Why are you cooking pancakes...?" I chuckled by how much we have in common as he took as seat beside me giving me evils making me laugh some more,

"Well" she looked at us smiling sheepishly "Dads getting out of prison tomorrow" I looked at her dropping my fork on my plate as I stared at her wide eyes as I felt tears build up in my eyes and I knew Dylan wanted to comfort me but he was frozen in place.

"He cant" I whispered more to myself then to anyone else "I'm sorry hunny but-" I interrupted "Pancakes don't cut this time mum" I said as I walked upstairs to get ready for school.


As I finished getting ready I decided on wearing some ripped jeans with a plain blue top and some white converses matching and decided on tying my hair up in a high pony,

I walked downstairs to notice everyone has already gone probably mum dropping Dylan off at school, I grabbed my pancakes glad that Dylan didn't eat it and began walking to school.

As I got towards the doors of the entrance I took a deep breath and opened up the doors and began walking in school, I put on a smile showing my teeth as people walked past greeting me with huge smiles of there own.

Only if they knew my smile is fake.

[Small chapter this time guys. Sorry, I promise to make it longer soon I hope you liked it. I must say its not my first book I've made but I can tell I am going to enjoy writing it, more chapters to come...]

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