yep, it can.

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"OMG! Emily!" shouted Daisy as she ran into my embrace nearly knocking us both over in the process, I chuckled lightly as she let go and looked at me with worried eyes telling me not to laugh at her. I quickly shut up.

"I got told you was at the hospital!" she exclaimed throwing her hands in the air for dramatic affect catching the eyes of students walking past us in the school corridor "I was so worried! I phoned your mobile and your dad answered telling me your fine and it wasn't best for me to visit you until you was better" she breathed out a breathe as she finished.

I shook my head in anger, why was my dad answering my calls? I should of never come back to school today. I should of stayed home like my mum said it was best for me to do, but my father butted in saying I cant have time off school, and if I do I will keep putting it off. My mother being stuck up my fathers arse agreed.

"Yes, It was nothing. I just felt dizzy and sick, just a flue" I replied calmly, lying to my best friend wasn't an easy thing to do. But I have been growing up lying my whole life, so lying to my best friend didn't make me feel guilty. In fact I can lie to anyone in a breeze, no facial expression to give my lie away, no nothing.

"Omg! I almost forgot to tell you" she shouted her worried expression turning giddy as she waved her arms around, catching my full attention I looked at her with a sloppy smile "Reese farrow asked me on a date!" she shouted-half whispering too. I looked at her in shock, my eyes widening as I took in her words.

"He-he what!?" I shouted in disbelief, Reese has never asked a girl out before. Girls go to him because of his player ways, but him asking a girl out wasn't the thing that shocked me the most it was the face that Daisy was happy and said yes.

"Oh and its a double date so you got to come, I think Jacob is coming to!" I looked around the corridor making sure no one was listening, to my disbelief the bell has already rung and I didn't even hear it. Great! I am going to be late to class, getting a detention.

"No" I stated, giving Daisy my best 'you cant change my mind' face

"Please. Oh Emily, please...I am scared to go on my own, I have never been on a proper date before. In face I have never been on a date before" she begged as she batted her eyelashes, I sighed in irritation as she carried on...

"FINE!" I shouted, my eyes widened as I clamped my mouth shut. What have I just agreed too? Why did I just say that I would agree to go? I turned to a now happy Daisy as she thanked me loads of times on our way to 1st period that's nearly over.

"Your late!" Mr Lasha shouted getting the attention off all the class, I mentally sighed at my luck today. Mr Lasha isn't a very nice teacher, in fact he is the worst! History is my least favourite subject with my least favourite teacher.

"I was-" I tried making an excuse but Mr Lasha didn't seem happy as he butted in as he strolled towards me


I heard gasps fill the room as me. Emily Miller, has a detention. For the first time ever! the good popular girl, who everyone loves. Has a detention.

Could my day get any worse?

"AND YOU MR MATTHEWS!" yep, it can.

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