"You look beautiful"

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"This one or..." Daisy looked down at her hands as she fiddled with the dresses, she smiled happily as she picked up a bright yellow dress with yellow flowers printed on them, it suited Daisy's personality perfectly. I nodded smiling wide enough that it hurt the side of my mouth "this?" Daisy asked unsure, I nodded smiling as I walked closer to Daisy.

"It's..." I paused for dramatic effect, Daisy's face turned from happy to unsure and panic "horrible? Nasty? You know what I shouldn't of picked this-" I cut her off as I chuckled lightly "perfect. I was going to say perfect"

I heard her breathe out a sigh of relief as she smiled widely, her eyes glistening as she looked down at the dress with happiness "your right, it's...perfect" I smiled warmly as I sat down on the edge of my bed- well what I thought was the end of my bed as I went tumbling to the floor on my arse, looking towards Daisy to see if she saw but to my luck she didn't, she was checking out her dress by the mirror. Stumbling back to my feet I finally gained my balance and slowly sat down on my bed not wanting to fall again I sighed in relief as I layed down to get comfy.

"I saw that" Daisy said chuckling, shocked I turned to see her smiling widely, amusing flashing in her eyes. Shaking my head a light blush covering my cheeks I looked down at the dress I was going to wear tonight. It was a red tight skinny dress that makes me look like a slag, (is the best way to put it) but Daisy insists that I wear it tonight as it "looks stunning on me" her words not mine...

"It looks good, stop panicking about it" Daisy said from behind me as she picked up my dress and grabbed my arm as she pulled me into the bathroom, sighing as I knew this wasn't all a horrible nightmare but reality I sat down on the stool for Daisy to put my makeup on.

"Lets go for the natural look but red lipstick to match with you dress" Daisy said happily as she done my makeup very slowly to my dismay but when I looked in the mirror...Lets just say I should give Daisy a big pat on the back for her work.

"Like it?" Daisy sang happily as she got the curlers warming up for my hair, I nodded a smile forming on my face,

"Like it...I love it!"

"Good now get your sexy arse over here and lets do your hair" I shook my head with a small smile but sat down anyway. It took 1 hour and a half to actually finish getting ready, which means hair and getting into my dress and I looked stunning.

Daisy is just working on getting herself in her dress, but when she come out I couldn't believe my eyes. Daisy looked amazing! the dress fit her perfectly around the hips and swayed into a flowing motion down, her red hair stood out from a mile away, it wasn't too bright but it looked natural. Her makeup was natural, with a bit of yellow eyeshaddow, making her green eyes stand out.

Lets just say she looked amazing...


I looked down in the hallway as I grabbed Daisy's hand pulling us downstairs and towards the door, I stopt as I saw who opened it...My father.

"Why you stopt? Its only your father" Daisy giggled, plastering a fake smile on my face I nodded. Yes, it was only my ex-abusive father standing at the door with 2 young good looking men, awaiting for us, a date.

"Sweetie, these young men are here for you" he said sweetly as he saw us entering the passage way, I nodded informing him I know. He smiled warmly at me and Daisy before warning the boys that he will cut their balls off if they hurt us. Talk about embarrassing, but non of them seemed fazed at all.

"Wow!" Reese said as he saw Daisy stand by the door, smiling widely. I smiled warmly at the sight, I walked out the front door pushing Daisy with me so I could lock it. Finally, sitting in the car right next to Jacob as Daisy sat in the front while Reese drives.

Jacob looked at me as he smiled friendly, I still cant believe we are friends "You look beautiful" he said, a small blush tinting hes cheeks. I nodded while smiling still dazed but replied with a quick 'thank you'

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