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"I want chocolate!" I wined through the phone to Jacob, I heard him sigh and then some shuffling around.

"Be there in 10" he groaned before hanging up, I smiled happily as I sat down on the sofa. Right now I am home alone (thank god) Dylan has gone out with friends but not after a lot of questioning from him about my bruised face, I told him what I told everyone else;

"I got jumped by a gang, on way to the shop" he didn't believe me at first but after a while of convincing him, he soon believed and went out to play with hes friends. Father hasn't been back since he gave me a beating, hopefully he feels bad about it and doesn't ever come back! ...but I know that will never happen.

And my mum- well shes out with her friends, clubbing. I was glad shes back herself, and going out a lot more. She didn't believe me at all about my little lie and I don't blame her, but I told her 'I was fine, and it was all my fault' she felt bad, on the verge of tears. But soon - a long while it took convincing her I'm fine and it was not her fault.

As for Daisy and Reese, they are still together and happy. I was shocked, Reese isn't the type of person to get along with people as he does with Daisy... sure he is a player, hopefully ex- player but he never once talked to her after he had sex with them.

Jared and Jacob are well- still them. Not changed, and I am glad... We have gotten closer, been out more. I finally think we are becoming close friends, I never really knew that I would become friends with the bad boys but I have. And I sure as hell don't regret it!

"ANSWER THE DOOR!" I heard Jacob yelling impatiently, I laughed as I got up and answered the door as soon as I did I jumped on Jacob hugging the life out of him. He laughed as he spun me around before whispering in my ear:

"I got chocolate!" I jumped off him and grabbed the chocolate bar in hes hand and began munching on it, I heard him shut the door while chuckling and make hes way to where I was sitting and made himself comfortable.

"I'm gonna go get us drinks OK?" he said as he got up and made hes way into the kitchen, I mumbled a quick 'OK' before carrying on munching on my chocolate. - as I was chewing my lovely chocolate, Jacob thought it would be funny to scare me making my chocolate fly out of my hands and hit Jacob on the head.

Chocolate was all over hes face along with my spit, I laughed at the sight off him. He frowned and then grabbed something from behind his back, it was- cream. Spray cream. I looked at him as my eyes widened, he smiled at me evilly before pressing down on the lid making all the cream spray out all over me.

Shocked, I stared at him "You did not just do that.." I said as I grabbed the closest thing to me and chucked it at him, turning to see what it was and then I burst out laughing holding my sides. It was my mac and cheese, it fell down his face and onto the floor. He looked down at the floor then back up at me.

"Payback is a bitch!" he smiled evilly, hes eyes laced happiness and humor. I looked at the door it wasn't that far too run, but would I make it? What the hell... whats the damage in trying? Running but too late hes arms went around my waist pulling me into hes warm embrace. Shocked, I looked up to see hes face inches away from mine.

"Got you" he whispered as hes face got closer and closer, lost in hes eyes I felt myself move closer and saw him look down at my lips before looking back up at my eyes. Glancing at hes lips, I could feel myself loosing control. Biting my lip and as we was just about to touch my door opened and closed.

Jumping out of Jacob's embrace shocked, I turned to see my father stumbling into the room. Hes eyes turned cold as he saw me, but as soon as he noticed Jacob he turned like a total different parent. He smiled warmly at Jacob but not before glancing around the room.

"And who's your friend?" he asked warmly nodding towards Jacob, I swallowed as Jacob glanced between me and my father before returning the smile.

"I'm Jacob Matthews, nice to meet you sir" he said politely offering hes hand, my father gave him a firm shake before looking towards me.

"Clean this up Emily" he said warmly with demanding behind hes words, I nodded. He placed hes hand on my shoulder making me flinch and cower away, realizing what I have just done I smiled at my father and nodded.

"Sure thing dad" I said happily, probably to happily.

Jacob glanced between me and my father before my father walked out leaving us too alone, as we was both cleaning Jacob looked at me "Why did you do that?" he asked, I looked at him confused as I tilted my head to the side.

"Do what?" I asked

"Flinch and cower away.." he said slowly. Panic rose through me but I made no sign of showing it, thinking of a lie at last minute is hard.

"Oh, Did I?" I asked playing dumb.

"Don't play dumb with me Emily!" he shouted.

"Look, it was nothing OK!" I shouted back, feeling myself getting angry.

"Okay, Okay calm down, I was just asking" he said raising hes arms in defender, I sighed in relief and nodded smiling.

But the look in hes eyes told me he didn't believe me one bit.

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