I nearly choked on my chicken

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"Did you really have a detention Emily?" Dylan asked as he munched on an apple, awaiting for hes dinner to be ready. I chopped some carrots up along with some onions as I nodded my head and murmured a quick 'yes'

I heard him laugh, I turned and sent a glare in hes direction causing him to shut up. He give me an amused smile "How did it go?" he asked. I shrugged, feeling my cheeks heat up remembering what happened in there.

"Lets just say it didn't go the way I planned" I muttered as I placed the pan on the stove, I checked to see if the meat had finished, to my surprise it had. I took it out being careful not to burn me in the process as I placed it on a plate and began cutting it up in little peaces.

"Tell me!" Dylan urged as he leaned forward on his chair, he had a look of curiosity and interest mixed in with hes fetchers. I let out a huge breathe as I put the meat in the fridge to cool down as I saw down next to Dylan.

"Well...Do you remember Blake?" I asked Dylan, he nodded a frown appearing on hes fetchers. Dylan has always knew Blake was a player and he always knew we was getting closer and closer and he knew something bad was going to happen in the end.

But at the time I didn't believe him, I was too tied up in Blake's games that I never realized that all Dylan was trying to do was warn me "Yes..." Dylan replied slowly, preparing himself for what was coming.

"He was being a prick I-" Dylan stood up, as he growled angrily pacing the room muttering things like 'I am going to kill him'      'I knew all along he was just a prick' ect.

"Dylan!" I shouted gaining hes attention, I gestured for him to take a seat and he complied with a grunt "I'm not finished.." I muttered as I looked down at my hands as the fidgeted with each other, Dylan placed hes hand on top of mine in a soothing matter.

I smiled warmly at him "I got really angry and then-and then I chucked a book at..." he looked at me wide eyed as he took in everything I said "Please don't say you chucked a book at Blake, I mean seriously he-" I cut him off "Teacher, I chucked a big science book at the teacher" I muttered.

Laughter filled my ears as my brother held the table for support, I rolled my eyes but smiled as Dylan hasn't laughed like that since we got back from the hospital. Hell, I don't think hes laughed like that since father got back from prison.

"Y-You chucked a book-a-at a teacher?" he stuttered as he tried to keep a straight face but failed as it looked like he just ate a sour sweet also looking like a peedo mixed in with it. I chuckled at hes face lightly as I nodded.

"I didn't mean to, I was meant to chuck it at Blake but-" Dylan cut be half way through as he finished my sentence for me "You don't have any skills in chucking" he chuckled as he shook hes head smiling at me.


"So..." my mother started as I munched my my carrots, I have just finished dinner as everyone has gotten home and we began eating straight away. As always, Dylan was sitting by me munching on hes chicken.

"You had detention today Hun, how did it go?" she asked, I heard Dylan burst out laughing but tried to cover it up with a cough. I turned my head and glared at him as he smiled amused with the situation.

I coughed awkwardly "It went fine mum" I said slowly as my mother nodded, Dylan shook hes head tutting at me, I looked around making sure no one saw as I mouthed 'shut up' he laughing lightly as he shook it off and began eating again.

"I had a call today from the head teacher" my mother said slowly, my head shot up in her direction as my eyes widened and I was starting to panic. What if she was going to ground me? I cant stay in this house with my father all weekend...

"You got another 2 weeks detention put on, but she didn't tell me why" she muttered as she put on a thinking face "But, she did say something about a science book" my mother said confused. I coughed trying to cover up my laughing as Dylan burst out laughing falling off hes chair.

Mum and Father looked at Dylan in shock, as he rolled around on the floor in a fit of laughter. I nearly choked on my chicken in laughter, I shook my head amused as Dylan was still laughing.

"What the-" my mother asked but stopt herself "You know what- never mind"

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