He glared..

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"Did he-" my mother started, I cut her off with a shake off my head.

"No. He didn't mum... I'm going to school. Bye" I said walking around her and out the door. No, I don't blame my mother for this- In fact, I blame myself for being stupid enough to stay home alone with my father.

Bruised. That's all I was. I mean latterly, I am black and blue everywhere. But- It wasn't just my father... He thought bringing a couple off friends from a bar with him, you probably know how that went...


"No father pl-" I was cut off as hes fist connected with my skin, to say it hurt would be lying. It felt like I was getting punched over the head with a hammer. I saw as he brought hes fist back, then slowly it made its way to my stomach. Knocking the air out off me I fell too the floor, gasping for air.

"Please dad please" I begged, but he wasn't having any off it. He kicked me in the side and kept kicking and kicking until I became numb. I saw the men standing laughing at the back, but then they whispered something in my father's ear that he said "go ahead, shes all yours"

And when I saw what they was going to do; I don't know how, but my adrenaline kicked in and I was off the floor in my bedroom in no time. It makes me sick that my father beated me up to the point I was numb... but what was sicker was when the men pulled their pants down.


Everyone stared. Everyone stared at me. Talking died down to silence. Whispers and rumors began.  I kept my head up with a fake smile on my face, no one smiled back they was too in shock. I tired to cover it with makeup but with how dark the bruises am they couldn't cover.

"Hey Emily-- what OMG!" Daisy shouted, she gasped as she put a hand over her mouth. My heart broke, seeing the sight at my best friend looking at me afraid and worried. Tears beamed my eyes, and a lump got stuck in my throat. I tried swallowing but it wasn't going, why isn't it going?

"Emily, who did this?" Daisy asked concerned, her face was blank showing no emotion, just like my own. I looked down at the floor as they shuffled, I quickly picked up my speed but it only ended in me screaming out in pain.

Grabbing hold off my ribs, I slowly took deep breathes. "EMILY ARE YOU OKAY?" Daisy shouted rushing to my side. I nodded as I slowly lifted myself up in a straight standing position. Now tears was rolling down my face and I couldn't seem to stop them.

I am probably crying because of the pain right? Nothing else... It cant be.

"I'm fine" I whispered, my voice came out rough from the crying. I let my hair cover my face as I mumbled a quick goodbye to Daisy and walked off slowly trying to not hurt myself... Walking a little faster I was still facing the floor not noticing the boys running in my direction all laughing. Being knocked on the floor wouldn't of hurt... But when you have a bruised body your turn to hiss in pain.

The boy bent down to help me but when I saw hes face and he saw me he stood up angrily pacing the halls, the others just stood there in shock staring at me. Jacob looked me in the eyes, he looked angry, in fact he looked furious.

 "WHO THE HELL DID THAT TOO YOU?" He yelled, causing me too flinch back. I cowered into the wall, Reese and Jared seemed to come out off their trance and ran towards me and knelled by my side.

"Your scaring her" Jared hissed, glaring at Jacob.

Jacob didn't seemed fazed, he glared at Jared then laughed causing us all to frown in confusion "Shut up Jared" he growled before turning too me "Who did this too you!" He growled out angrily. Putting my head down in embarrassment.

I felt Jared squeeze my hand, trying to comfort me. I smiled warmly at him, returning a smile from him. I looked back up at Jacob who is glaring down at Jared's hand, why does he hate Jared so much today?

"Look, I'm sorry" Jacob sighed, he looked down at me apologetically before coming to sit down in front of me "But, I need you to tell me who did this" he demanded.

"Nobody" I whispered. Hes face hardened and hes eyes glazed over, I knew he wasn't angry at me but angry at who did this. But I wont tell him, I cant "Fine... I was walking to the shop and a gang jumped me" I lied shrugging my shoulders.

"Did you see their faces?" Reese asked

"No" I shook my head, as I fiddled with my zip on my coat. Looking up as everything went silence too see Jared, Reese and Jacob all staring into space with a frown.

"Its okay, but-" Jacob said as he looked at me with almost a fatherly look(If I knew how a father looked when they was protecting somebody, or even cared for that matter) "You will not go out on your own alone!" he stated.

I would of laughed, but by the deadly serious look on hes face I knew not to go against him "Okay I promise" I said laughing a little bit before putting on a serious face "But-" I copied Jacob, he rolled hes eyes but smiled "You have to get me chocolate if I want it" I said with a smirk on my face. He sighed but nodded.

I'm sure this agreement will be amusing...

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