Does he still love me?

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"Mum I am fine!" I shouted in frustration running my hand through my messy hair, I looked her in the eye showing her I'm not lying but she didn't seem to want to believe it as she carried on..

"Emily...Your father and I just want-" I cut her off.

"Mum!" I shouted trying to calm myself down, once I felt my shoulders slump in relaxation I carried on "I get it why your all so...worried for my health but this" I pointed around my room "Is just over the top" I exclaimed.

When I got back from the hospital, I come home to a freak off a bedroom; I had timetables posted up on my wall off my sleeping- eating routine, I also have no harmful things in my room. Like: a pencil, scissors, rulers because my mum said 'its dangerous'

How is that dangerous? I don't even know;

"Hunny, I am just-" I cut her off once more.

"Worried?" I said more as a statement then a question, she nodded her head rapidly as she put the last off the sharp 'dangerous' objects in a box "Mum this is seriously over the top I cut myself because I was stressed but most importantly I was scared" I said quietly

"I know sweetie" my mother sat down on the bed beside me, resting her hand on my knee "I know the things you went through..." she said ashamed "well saw" she mumbled the last part before letting out a throaty cough "Look...what I am trying to say is, your father has changed. Hes not the same as he usto be" she stated.

I shook my head has tears beamed in my eyes, I looked over at my mum as she fiddled with her fingers not looking at me "Mum, why did you let him back?" I asked, she looked up shocked her eyes widening as her mouth parted "Why did you let him back in the house?" I asked again.

"Hunny-" I cut her off again standing up and looking at her through my angered, teared eyes as I looked at the woman before me "YOU WENT BACK TO HIM MUM" I shouted as a few tears slipt out "WHY-Why would you do that?" I said quietly as I thought over the excuses.

"Because I-I love him" she mumbled.

I looked at her in disbelief, How could she love him? after what he did. He ruined my childhood, he ruined everything "MOM! DON'T YOU GET IT?" I shouted pacing around "HE HURT YOU, HE HURT ME, HE BROKE OUR FAMILY APART'" I fell to the ground from my wobbly knees, tears was now running down my face freely as I looked up at my mother.

"I learned to forgive darling, you should too" she said quietly as a few tears slipt out of her eyes, I cant forgive him...not after what he did. My mother got up without looking at me and walked out off my room leaving me to cry my pain out alone.

My father hurt my mother since I was 5 and I could actually tell what was going on, I heard her screams, her sobs as he hit her constantly. Since that day I would never forgive him for what he did and when he finally went to jail, to say I was happy wouldn't even make my words I was feeling.

When I saw him drive away in a police car, I just stood there thinking 'Is this is? is this where I finally have a happy life with me and my family? do I finally get to go to sleep without sobbing all night? does he still love me?

Does he still love. If he loved me, my mother and my brother then he would be here fighting for us, for out forgiveness. But no, he just admits he done wrong and walks away without another word. Do I even want hes begs?

All these questions where making me dizzy as I fell asleep on the floor with tears still flowing out of my eyes.

But the one question that bugged me the most; Will he ever do it again?

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