I lied.

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"No Dylan-" he cut me off through the line ..."Is everything okay Emmy?" he asked concerned. I choked on a sob, I quickly reacted and coughed to cover it up. Reaching my hand and putting it over my mouth to stop them from coming out, I closed my eyes and sighed.

"Dylan, just stay at your friends house one more day..." I replied.

"But-But why?" he asked, hes voice was full off worry.

"Because, I have a surprise for you and it will take time for me to get it..." I lied.

"Okay, but if there is something up. You will tell me right?" he asked.

Sob's raked my body as I pressed my hand harder onto my lips, tears ran down my face as I hugged the phone closer too me. Hearing hes voice helped a lot, but it breaks my heart not having him cuddling me "I will, I promise Mr Man" I said using hes nick name.

A chuckle came through the line before I heard hes friends talking in the background "I've got to go Emmy, they want me to play tag with them" he said excitedly, I chuckled lightly.

"Bye sweetie, love you" and then the line went dead with Dylan saying a quick 'love you too'

I had to phone Dylan in the morning telling him to sleep over hes friends house one more night, I couldn't have him coming home with an abusing father. Hes only 8, he cant have a life like I usto. I didn't have a childhood, it was ruined because of my father. He cant ruin Dylan's too.

Last night, was heartbreaking. It was an emotional roller-coaster... It goes up and your happy, your life couldn't get better but towards the bottom, its full off dread, pain and tears. My mother cried herself to sleep last night, she cried and cried. I wish I could stop her pain, I wish I could take it all away. But I cant.

I cant change my father. I cant save my 'broken' family. I cant protect my brother and my mother. But most of all... I cant tell anybody.

Secrets- Is all ive known. Everyday I would walk with a secret being held. I would hold to it so much it hurt. It hurt to lie, it hurt to see everybody believe. It hurt.

But I guess to save somebody you have to get hurt yourself right?

Well if I am saving my brother and mother from my father, I am going to get hurt. I am going to take the beatings for them... My mother did when I was young, but now I am old enough to take the pain. To face the bruises, the tears, the scars.

"Mum, I want you too go stay in a hotel room for tonight" I replied calmly, stroking her hair as she cuddled in with the blankets. She raised her head making my hand fall, her face held pain. Just one look at her you could see she is broken, you could see her wrinkles starting. The stress overtaking her.

"What- No!" she explained, I shook my head with a from. Tears threatening to spill out, but I wouldn't let them.

'You can cry and cry for hours, but never ever cry again for the same thing'

That's my motto. The saying was true. The saying said a lot.

"Mum, I will be fine. I'm going to sleep at Daisy's house anyway" I lied.

I don't like lying, don't get me wrong. I should go with my mum to be safe, away from the 'monster' we call father. But truth to be told, somebody has to face the nightmare we all wish to scurry away from. I just have to be that person.

"Okay then" my mother said as she stood up and packed some things in a bag.

"Oh and put some makeup on, get dressed up... You look old" I replied cheekily, grinning my mother threw some clothes at me as she laughed.

"I will Hun, you don't want your sexy mama looking old" he joked.

I laughed as she shook her arse, shes back "Oh no! NOT THE SEXY MAMA" I joked laughing.


Well I need paint. Wallpaper. Beds. Locks. And well, everything you would put in a room. Tonight, I am making my room into a safe room. Dylan, mother and me will be sleeping in this room every night. I started looking around... Mini fridge, I grinned. We do need food don't we?

I put it in the trolley, along with my other items. Then I went to cash it all out, grinning I walked up and placed all my items on the counter. Sept for the bed that's being delivered...

"Why do you need 10 locks?" the nosy girl asked. What you need to be prepared?

"Non of your business" I shouted angrily, she shrugged it off and began beeping it again. Once she was all done and everything was in the car, I called Daisy to see if she wanted to help decorate. Daisy agreed happily.

2 hours later...

"NO WE NEED THAT PAINT"  Daisy shouted across the room too me, I sighed as I grabbed the paint and gave it too her. You see, Daisy never told me she was inviting her boyfriend along with her, and her boyfriend invited hes friends. I don't mind, as long as my father is still out when they are here..

"SHUT UP!" Jacob growled angrily.

"Don't talk to my girl like that" Reese replied, Daisy smiled happily and stuck her tongue out at Jacob causing him to frown and stomp hes foot like a child, before getting back to work. We all have our own jobs too do..

Jacob and Reese - will put the bed up, and right now they look as if they are having some trouble.

Daisy - will paint, but shes too lazy to get the paint her self.

Jared - is well, putting new carpet in.

Me- well I am trying to wallpaper, but Daisy keeps interrupting me screaming at me too get her some more paint.


4 hours and 30 mins we have finished. 1 double bed was in my bedroom along with a single, for my mother. Me and Dylan can share and my mother can have the single. 2 wardrob's was set up for us all to share along with some draws. We had 1 mini fridge to fit all food in, and then the 10 locks was on the doors ready for protection.

"Why do you need all these locks again?" Jared asked confused.

I shrugged "What? I like privacy.." I lied(again).

"Okay..." Jared said slowly.

Everyone has just gone, leaving me in the house alone. Deciding to watch TV as my father still isn't back, and hopefully is lying on a gutter with a beer can next to him and wont find hes way home till tomorrow.

But when I heard hes roaring laughter and other people laughter interrupted my ears, I knew it wouldn't be a good thing. Trying to make my way upstairs before they caught me, I snook behind them and then I was about 3 steps up stairs until I heard my fathers booming voice.

"DON'T RUN YOU LITTLE SHIT!" my father shouted, hes 2 men guys behind him cheered "WE NEED SOMEBODY TO TAKE OUT ANGER OUT ON!" he shouted as he grabbed me by the air and threw me on the floor.

Wait...- Did he say 'We'?

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