Be myself?

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As I was walking towards my lesson which is science with Mr Dectro, he isn't a very nice teacher and gets frustrated with all of us students to easily but if I had to take Mr Dectro's place I wouldn't except and even if I did I would probably go mental.

You see, this school is full out cliche, you got the goths, bad boys of the school, nerds, popular's and the nobody's well I am on the popular table but I try to not talk about anyone which people at our table usually do which I find really mean...

I don't judge people from there past, or even talk about them behind there back, I hate it when people do it so why would I do it? to answer that question-- I wouldn't.

"Hello Miss Miller" Mr Dectro said politely with a small smile, I nodded in his direction "Hello Mr Dectro, how are you today?" I questioned warmly, his eyes twinkled with respect "I am fine Miss Miller, thank you how are you?" he asked "I'm fine-" before I could finish what I was going to say the door burst open revealing the school's bad boy Jacob Matthews and his 2 friends Reese Farrow and Jared Kingsley.

"MR MATTHEWS PLEASE KNOCK BEFORE YOU ENTER!" Mr Dectro said loosing his patience and his nice act again, sighing I walk towards one of my friends called Reba and sat down. She smiled at me "Hey" she greeted "Hey" I replied and then after that we turned towards the front without another word.

As you can see Reba and me don't get along much, but we are nice to each other but its all just an act, all my friends are just acts they wont come and help you if your hurt or crying. They wont let you cry on there $1000 dress, only one of them are my close friend and that's Daisy.

"No need to shout!" Jacob replied comely before strolling to the back and taking his seat right at the back of mine "AND YOU FARROW AND KINGSLEY WHY ARE YOU LATE?" the teacher shouted his face full off red blotches "You see, my dog wouldn't let me leave so it followed me all the way to school and them I had to take it back..." said Kingsley

"And whats your dogs name Kingsley..." Mr Dectro said playing along "Its a rottweiler and its called Tinkerbell" everyone burst out laughing, I even joined in because come on... a Rottweiler is meant to be vicious (Well some) if they ain't well they look like it.

"QUIET DOWN CLASS!" Mr Dectro scolded.


After Science with  Mr Dectro I finally had a couple more lessons then school will be over, right now we are at lunch and I am sat on the popular table but for some reason I cant stop looking at Jacob's table which only has 3 people on it which is Jacob, Reese and Jared but they seem real, not fake friends like our table.

I watched as they slapped each other and began shouting random stuff then all burst out laughing, as I was staring I catched Jacobs eyes, his green grass eyes stared into my normal brown boring ones. His eyes held something behind them, something he doesn't want people to know, something bad so he built a brick wall apart from school and personal life.

I cant help but think that he has done the same thing as me.

I don't show people what I actually feel.

My smiles are fake.

I have a bad past.

I'm not a mean, stubborn, girly, fake popular. I am the total opposite so why do I have fake friends?

Why wont I just leave them?

Be myself?

Maybe because I am scared just like Jacob is past those cold, lifeless eyes.

Are badboys protective?Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang