All I ever wanted was a normal teenage life

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"Its everything that we do not expect from a child of her age" I heard an unrecognizable voice say as he continued "He sleep, stress, not eating right, cuts on her arms" the person listed, which sounded like he was talking about me.

"But-" a voice tried but didn't get far as the person wasn't very pleased at whatever has happened, I would open my eyes... I just want to eavesdrop some more to see what they are talking about.

"Shes a teenage girl at high school, in a weak state!" the person informed seeming un amused by this situation.

"She was perfectly fine until-" a famine voice appeared which was more then likely my mother, she stopped herself- That was odd.

"Until when?" the man's unrecognizable voice asked.

"Until Paul arrived" my mother stuttered like she was putting all the dots together, I heard some shuffles. I peered out of my eyes to see no other then Paul(my father) my mother and a doctor, I opened my eyes further to look around to notice I was in yet a hospital's room.

Looking around, wired connected to me as a monitor was beeping beside me. I saw Dylan lying in a green looking chair fast asleep, he looked tired. All I remember is going really dizzy and falling on the floor, my dad run in and then it went blank. I must of passed out.

"Its all my fault, if I hadn't of come home she wouldn't be in this hospital-" my father started but was cut off my mothers soft voice "Its not your fault hunny, its her own fault" I scoffed, out loud not realizing I am meant to be asleep. Shit. So much for then eavesdropping...

All eyes turned to mine, my mother rushed to my side immediately kissing everything she could get her lips on, which happened to be my face, hands, neck. I shrugged her off me uncomfortable as I looked at the doctor walking towards me.

"Hello Emily, I am doctor Sambaed. I have some concerns on your lack of health" he said sweetly, I nodded understanding as he carried on "Why have you not been sleeping, eating, drinking right?" he asked.

I stuttered for words, I honestly don't know why I have been going down low ever since- my father returned home. I sighed as I hadn't been keeping myself healthy these past weeks since my father had been back from prison.

"I-I guess I was just scared" I stuttered, shifting my gaze to my hands as they moved together nervously.

"Of what sweetie?" my mother asked before the doctor could say anything, I looked her in the eye before replying.

"My father" I heard her take an sharp breath before nodding in understanding, the doctor seemed confused of why I was saying this and my mother didn't mind. He didn't seem to know what was going on...

"Ill explain outside" my mum said as her and the doctor stepped outside to talk about what happened 3 years ago.. Great! now he is going to know what-

"Why did you cut yourself?" I jumped from the voice, I had seemed to have forgotten that my father was in the room the whole time. I shuffled nervously as I looked down at my slits going up my arms that is fading away but noticeable up close.

" guess I wanted to get the stress, the pain all out" I replied, to be honest I haven't cut myself in over 1 year. I us to cut myself all the time after that day my father got took to prison, everyday I usto go up to the bathroom, lock the door and cut my self and sit there watching the blood trickle down my skin.

It felt good, it felt like I was finally in-control of my life, it felt like I had a say for once. It got the pain, the sorrow, the stress all out. It was like when the blood was dripping that everything was going away with it..

"Because of me?" he asked but it sounded more like a statement, I nodded not feeling the need to reply. I did all this because of my father, I was hurt, because of him.

"I'm sorry Emily" he said looking guilty, I felt bad for him but once the images of 3 years ago came back to my head- I just turned my head away from hes and ignored him. I couldn't forgive him for what I did, I just couldn't.

I don't know how my mum could, and I sure as hell don't know why she would let him back in the house. Before he could say anything else the door opened to reveal the doctor and a teared up mother, I didn't say anything as he walked up to me and began speaking:

"Emily, I understand why you did everything now. It still isn't right..." he added "You will be staying here for another day to get your weak state back to healthy, I will be sending you to a group to help you out with the cutting. We can not be having you cutting when your already unstable as it is"

After that I blocked out everything as I just sat there stiffly, nodding to everything he was saying. Why did this happen to me? All I ever wanted was a normal teenage life.

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