As we cried until no tears came out

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After a lot of loud/horrible singing and laughing we was finally at the restaurant that we was going to eat in, I looked to see Jacob not there. Confused I looked in the car to see no body but Daisy, just as I was about to go out my door opened to show Jacob smiling shyly at me as he gestured for me to get out. Shocked I smiled warmly at Jacob as I carefully got out the car making sure my dress doesn't lift up.

"Thank you" I said politely as he closed the door and nodded with a small smile on his lips, I looked at Daisy to see she was already looking at me with a smirk plastered on her lips, he eyes twinkling with amusement as she wiggles her eyebrows suggestively. Blushing I turned around back to Jacob to see him looking at Daisy with an eyebrow raised, he looked amused but yet confused. Laughing as Daisy looked down at the floor with embarrassment, shaking my head I grabbed Jacobs arm pulling him towards the entrance.

"Wow! Calm down" Jacob chuckled as he held the door open for me.

"I'm hungry" just in time my belly grumbled, Jacob shook he's head laughing lightly.

"Dinner for 4 please" Reese talked to the lady at the front who kept trying to flirt with him, but Reese payed no attention to her. Good for him, else I would personally chop his balls off. I smirked evilly thinking off all the ways Reese was going to beg to save them. I chuckled quietly

"What you thinking about?" Jacob asked curious, I shook my head laughing. Trust me, he wouldn't want to know. Jacob gave me a weird look but let the subject go as soon as we got to the table, Daisy happily sat next to Reese which leave me one more seat... by Jacob.

We soon ordered our food, and we was awaiting. Talking and laughing through the rest off the dinner, and too soon it ended. I don't want to go home... In fact, home isn't home anymore. I just cant-

"Whats up?" Jacob asked concerned, I looked up at him. I shook my head with a small smile on my face.

"Nothing. Nothing's wrong" I lied "Actually, everything seems too perfect" I mumbled.

"What?" Jacob asked.

My eyes widened in shock, I started panicking hoping he didn't hear me "What?" I asked faking confusion.

"I just thought- Never mind" Jacob shrugged it off.

The rest off the car ride was silent, but it wasn't awkward. We was all tired from laughing and joking around, and all we wanted to do was sleep. Me on the other hand, would rather stay out longer saves going home.

Dylan is sleeping at hes friends house today, and I would have to sleep in my room alone tonight. Every since father come back, we have been taking turns sleeping in each others room. We have grown much closer if that was even possible. We always watch films together, he never leaves me alone in the house every since father came back. But tonight I wanted him to go have some fun, not to worry about me.

"Bye" I waved as I got out the car, I heard them all say goodbye and then drove off. I sighed as I opened the door, every light was off meaning nobody was in or they was asleep. Walking upstairs as I rubbed my tired eyes, I walked into my bedroom and jumped on my bed. Taking my high heels off I left my dress on, I was too tired to even move.

Finally my eyes start to drift shut on their own record, but there was something wrong. Something didn't seem right, it was quiet. Its never quiet, in fact there is always some noise. I thought nothing off it until I heard crying, jumping out off bed in a light of speed I was running into my mums room.

Seeing her on the floor in nothing but a bra and panties, made me feel sick but the worst thing was my father hitting her. My throat clogged up and tears began making their way down my face, I thought this stopped. I thought he changed. My instincts kicked in and out of no where I went running at my father and pushed him too the floor.

My mother looked at me through her red eyes and she cried harder, I looked away as memories came back. I grabbed my mothers hand and lead her into my bedroom, I locked the door just as my father was speed walking angrily towards us. When the door was locked, I fell to the floor not being able to hold my mothers weight.

I just sat there, holding my mother close too me. As we cried until no tears came out, my mother was fast asleep on my lap. I stroked her hair as I rocked us back and forward, I wanted to cry some more, but I cant. In fact, all I feel is anger... anger towards him but most importantly anger towards my mother for not fighting back.

Its just like before. But the main question is... Will it ever change?

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