I pleaded her with my eyes

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"Hey Emmy?" Dylan said gaining my attention, I turned to look over at him "Whats wrong with dad?" he asked worried.

"Hes fine Dylan" I sighed as I turned back to the tv hoping he would drop the subject. Its been 2 days since my father caught me and Jacob in the kitchen, and he hasn't done anything.... Maybe hes waiting to build hes anger up? I sure hope not...

"Hes- Hes not been around for a... while" Dylan stated stuttering. Walking closer towards Dylan I pulled him onto my lap as he I put my hands on his back to support him, Dylan giggled softly as I ruffled his hair.

"Hes fine, stop worrying!" I laughed. Dylan nodded not before going back to watching ninja turtles, I laughed as I walked into the kitchen. My phone rang pulling it out the caller ID said 'Jacob'

"Hey, what are you doing tonight?" Jacob asked sounding hopeful.

"Probably looking after Dylan..." I said slowly "Why?"

"Just wanted to take you out, on a date" he said nervously, shocked I looked at the phone in my hand then back at the caller ID. Did Jacob really just ask me out? A wired feeling interrupted in my stomach, and ...I liked it.

"Sure" I replied as calmly as I could.

"Really?" he asked excitedly "I mean sure okay that's cool" he said in a deep voice.

"What time?" I asked

"7 be ready, bye!" he said quickly. Before I could say bye he already hung up, great! I squealed excitedly as Dylan came in with a questioning stare telling me to tell him.

"IVE GOT A DATE!" I screamed happily at him, running over towards him I picked him up and spun him around. We both laughed as we went round and round until we both felt sick and I placed him back down.

"With?" he asked.

"Jacob" I replied calmly, trying to catch myself from the dizziness.

"I knew you two would get together" he said with a happy grin on his face, causing me to smile "Come on..." he said grabbing my hand and leading me towards our room "I brought you something when I was out with my friends..." he started.

I gasped as I pulled it out the gift bag, it was a grey dress with glitter on the waist. It was beautiful..."I was going to give it you on Christmas... but- I wanted to give it you now for that date" he smiled warmly at me.

A smile spread across my face as I grabbed Dylan into a bone crushing hug "I love you little brother" I whispered in to his ear. I pulled back and looked at the dress again, I loved it.

"Love you too sis, now go get ready!" he shouted pushing me into the bathroom, I laughed but let him push me.


Shower done. Makeup done. Hair done. Dress on. And ready to go... I looked good, no I looked amazing. This dress fit me perfectly, it went just below my knees and I loved it. The door bell rang and I knew who it was... It was my date.


Jacob's P.O.V

I was nervous. No I was fucking shitting myself. I wiped my sweaty hands on my jacket before knocking the door, shuffling from one foot to the other as I waited.. My hands started shaking and I was sweating. I have never been this nervous in my life!

The door opened and Emily appeared, I couldn't take my eyes off hers. I looked her up and down and couldn't believe my eyes, she looked... Amazing. She has always been beautiful, though she never thought it but she has. And it makes me jealous when I see other boys staring at her with hungry eyes.

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