Chapter 1

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Sauf's POV.

I walked slowly to the kitchen to prepare breakfast for everyone as I usually do at 7:00am everyday.
You must be wondering, how am I up so early?
I normally wake up at 5 to get ready and start breakfast at 7.

My family always depends on me to do the work because I'm the one with the largest heart, I'm the one that will never complain and whatnot.

Yes! My family cares about fame and honour very much if you must be thinking. My mum always wears the most expensive abayas to functions but even though she still shows her motherly love...when she feels like it. I even wonder if she's my real mom.
My dad on the other hand is barely at home, always on business trips. But since he expanded his business, he got trustees to manage the other branches so I get to see him everyday now. I still do not get to see him so much.


"Sister!!! Sister!!! Where's my hair dryer?" Ismah yelled from her room upstairs. I couldn't help but chuckle at my cute little sister. She's the one I can stay all night up chatting with.

"It's in the second shelf in your wardrobe, look well Ismah," I yelled back from the kitchen placing the last piece of pancake on the serving dish.

"Aiza, prepare the syrup...I'll be back in a minute. Let me just wake the family up for breakfast,"

"Yes ma'am I will. Minimal sugar or max?" She asked.

"Minimal. Dad likes it that way and so does everyone," I chucked at myself for knowing everyone's likes and dislikes. I don't really let my parents attitude bother me. Since the bottom line is, I'm their daughter and they love me.

I quickly went upstairs to my mom's room. I knocked softly on the door but there was no answer. She must probably be taking her bath. I slowly walked in and just then, she came out with a robe and a towel wrapped neatly around her head. Mom's always trying to look young.

"Assalamu Alaykum Mom, breakfast is ready. Come downstairs, will you?" I said.

"Wa'alykumu Salaam. Okay, I'll be there in a minute."

I smiled and left. After making sure everyone was ready, I went downstairs to the dining room. One by one, everyone joined in. We ate our breakfast in silence as always.

"I'm going. Bye everyone, Sister Sauf I'll be home early so we can go out Okay?"

I gave her a simple smile. Upset that now it'll be back like always. Ismah in school, mom always out either shopping, meeting with friends and whatnot. Dad in the office, same as Brother Kamal. Now I guess it's time to go back to my boring life.

Just as I was going upstairs to my room, I heard my phone ring on the kitchen counter. I rushed back to get it. It was my sister, Mona.

"Assalamu Alaykum Mona. How are you and  Jasmine?" I asked excitedly.

"Wa'alykumu Salaam. She's fine" she answered in a pale voice.

"What's the matter? Is it Omar again?"


"I'm coming Now!"

She didn't even reply and hang up on me. I rushed back upstairs to grab my veil. I grabbed my bag and pushed my phone inside all the useless papers in it. I collected my key from the key hanger and left.

I arrived at Sister Mona's place in less than 15 minutes.

"Hey I said, panting once I saw her.

"Listen, today he...he almost slapped just because I brought his coffee 3 minutes late. I can't keep staying with him. I want to come home, I've tried talking to him but he's too coldhearted." She said, crying.

I really felt bad for my sister. She wasn't lucky to find the right partner, he only pretended to love her before marriage just for my dad's wealth. He cheated her at love and life.

"Listen, pack your things and let's go. We'll explain to mum and dad once they're back home,"

After forty five minutes, she was done packing and we headed back home. We went home and I took little Jasmine to my room as she was already sleeping.
Mona also went to my room to rest as her former room was being cleaned since she came undecided.
I suddenly remembered mom asked me to get her more of her pills from the pharmacy.   She had ulcer so she needed this medicine i don't know much about.

"I'm so dead!" I whispered to myself.
I quickly went to the pharmacy to fetch the medicine. On my way back, i got hooked up in a traffic jam. I had to wait for 25 minutes before it finally cleared up. Mona must be worried...gosh!

As I was driving, suddenly, I pressed hard on the accelerator instead of the brake and I almost hit the car in front of me.

"Uuuuh that was close Sauf!" I gasped.

The owner of the car then came out. Urgh! It's a guy. Then  I gazed at the most beautiful eyes I've seen in my entire life. He began walking slowly towards me and knocked on my window. I whined down the window with trembling fingers.

"What were you thinking of  woman?" He asked and Ya Allah, his voice...deep and sweet! He had real broad shoulders, tall and muscular. A real Arab milkshake. I continued to admire his features until I was driven out of my trance.

"Hey! I'm talking to you." He said again almost like yelling.

"Oh umm I'm erh really sorry. Erh....umm" I bit my lower lip to control my smile.

"Look at you. You're meant to look apologetic but you're smiling?" He asked squeezing his face, placing his hand on his forehead and looking away.

"Umm--" I was about to explain but he left with a sigh.

I smiled widely.

"Oh Allah, what a hottie he is. Astagfirullah! Forgive me ya Allah...I didn't lower my gaze!" I placed my forehead on the steering wheel as if in defeat.

After realizing about 10 cars gave been honking at me, I quickly zoomed off.

I think I should consider my parents request!


Bismillah( In the name Of Allah)

Assalamu Alaykum(Peace be upon you)

Wa'alykumu salam(Peace be upon you too).

Astagfirullah (Forgive me Ya Allah)

Hope you enjoyed this chapter. I will get to update at least 5 days a week. Shout out to Saima602 for being the first to read and vote on this book.
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