Chapter 14

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Ammar's POV.

As morning slided in, I was still worried about what Rayyan was going to do to bring us back. I just wished he'd let us stay for the remaining nine days. But i was helpless, he said if i didn't obey him, he'd harm Sauf again and that was the last thing I wanted to happen. Ya Allah! 

We got ready and went out to go to the Eiffel tower. It looked even better than I expected. We took some photos for the family to see.

Sauf complained that she was hungry so we got some food in a nearby restaurant. She didn't miss out on the chocolates.

3 days passed, we enjoyed ourselves and Rayyan didn't do anything.

4 days

5 days

6 days

7 days

8 days

9 days....

We had so much fun in Paris. It came to a point I completely forgot about Rayyan. We visited so many places, the beaches, museums, shops and anywhere you could think of. We bought some few things for ourselves and nice gifts for everyone as well. I'll really recommend Paris for anyone's honeymoon destination.

We boarded our 4pm flight back to Leicester. The flight seemed shorter than when we were coming. Again, Sauf slept almost throughout the journey. I watched some few episodes of 'Suits' that I missed for the past few days. I really enjoyed it especially because of Harvey.

We arrived at Leicester safely around 10pm though we had some few transits.

"What a trip!" Sauf heaved a sigh.

"What a trip indeed," I added.

We both had cookies which mum sent for us with the driver when he came to pick us up and retired to bed.


That night, I hardly got any sleep, I was worried sick about Sauf's safety. Just then, I heard my phone ring. I checked the caller ID but it was an unknown number. I felt the need to answer so I went to the balcony to answer it.

"Mr. Ammar, you have just 4 days to get does papers signed, or else you're going to jail. You might think you didn't do anything but I'll pour false accusations your way that you won't be able to speak. 4 days!!!"

"Listen whatever happened 13 years ago is in the past, can't we consider it invalid. Besides, Sauf's parents don't even consider it anymore."

"No way!" And he hang up.

I was really terrified not knowing what to do. Suddenly I heard her voice.

"What happens 13gears back and who's parents where you talking about?" She bombarded all at once. I was dumbfounded. I just stood there like a total idiot.

"Umm it's just one of my uni friends telling something related to his past. That's all...don't worry erh...go to sleep. Umm you must be very tired.

She nodded and turned around back to the bedroom.
I managed to get the slumber I craved so badly for.

6 months Later...

"Morning Ammar,"

"Morning Princess," I replied, smiling as she rested her head n my chest.

Yes! We're still together. Rayyan got arrested for fraud the day after we had that conversation on phone. He was to stay in prison for fourteen months.
I was so glad. I decided I would talk to Sauf's parent's about it before he got out of prison. But I just didn't get the chance.

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