Chapter 2

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Sauf's POV.

Everyone was stressed due to what was happening to Mona. My parents were deeply upset that people will talk about their daughter leaving her husband's house. It disgusts me that that's all they care about. Fame and wealth!!!

Kamal managed to control dad's anger for the meantime. Earlier today Omar Jabbar, Mama's husband sent her a divorce letter.

"Mona, I think you should sign it. He doesn't deserve you or your love. And as for Jasmine, well you will find another man sooner or later don't worry,"

"You're right, Sauf. I guess I'm just sign it."

I gave her an encouraging smile afterwards.


"Assalamu Alaykum Abu. You called for me?" I asked my dad in his living room immediately after we had had dinner.

"Oh yes! I did. I wanted to--" He started but got cut off by my mother.

"Here I am," she interrupted.

"I wanted to discuss about your marriage Sauf. You are already 21 and you know very well that people will start to talk right? I have been asking you since you were in last year of college but you still Insist on pursuing your career..." My dad said.

"My dear, whether you become an architect or not, you will still be happy in marriage. That's all that matters. You have to get married before people start talking.

I felt my vision getting blurred and I simply  said:

"Dad I'm not ready" In between my sobs. With that, I left the living room.

Ya Allah show my the right way. My parents only want to marry me off just to keep their honour intact. What kind of parents are these? No wonder my brother still hasn't gotten married. They will just find a boy that is a son of one of their rich business partners. A psychopath at that. I never want to marry a rich guy for God's sake. They only care about their money and fame. Oh Allah show me the way please. Bring my prince charming real soon please. It's not even that I don't want to get married now. I don't want to marry a rich man.

As I was opening the door to my room, I let out the breath I didn't realize I was holding for the past 2 minutes. I then remembered that guy that I almost hit his car with mine. He really was handsome. But no chance, he might be rich as well. I quickly pushed the thought aside.

I went into the bathroom to take a quick shower. I changed into my long red silk nightgown and threw myself into bed.


The next morning came so fast. Seems like there are shorter days and longer nights now. Phew!
I did my usual morning routine. Everyone came down for breakfast. It was a very silent and extremely long breakfast. My father would attempt to look at me but I would look away as fast as I could. Kamal then spoke, breaking the very loud silence except for the clattering of utensils against the white porcelain plates.

"Mom, dad I have something to say."

I wondered what he wanted to say. It must be important because Kamal never really spoke unless it was important.

"What is it?" Mum asked.

"I've found a girl mom. And I want to get married real soon." He dropped the bomb.

"Really Oh my Allah. Is this a dream. Finally we won't have people talking!" She exclaimed.

That's all she ever cares about. I let out a sigh.

Kamal shot her a 'are-you-serious' glare. I couldn't help but smile at him.
Everyone congratulated him before he left for work. I was back to my boring life again. Only my two friends Maya and Dina kept me entertained. Sometimes they would come take me out even though I so hated it. Or either of them would call me and we would spend hours talking on phone.

2 hours later, I heard a knock on the front door from my room.

"Who is there Aiza?! I shouted from upstairs.

"It's Maya and Dina!" She answered back. I quickly came downstairs almost like running.

"Hey girls. How're you?" I asked hugging them both simultaneously.

"All good!" They answered.

I got Aiza to get them some waffles and yoghurt. We chatted for about two hours. caught up on the latest stuff and what not.

"Oh by the way, Brother Kamal is getting married very soon. We're going to the girl's house tonight to set a date. I'm so happy girls"

"Oh wow! That's great. Be sure to invite us. Dina sorry you don't stand a chance anymore," Maya smirked.

Dina had always had a crush on my brother. But she never showed him, if she had, who knows he might have chosen her.

"Stop teasing her!" I said to Maya almost like scolding her. Dina poured and kept her hands akimbo.

After a while they stood up to leave.

"I'll see you this weekend In shaa Allah." I said as I hugged them both.


Ammar's POV.

"Mom, I'm ready can we go now?" I yelled. It was my cousin sister's wedding arrangement meeting today. As I choose to call it. She literally begged me to come so I couldn't resist. I was already in a bad mood because of that girl that almost hit my car. She really was a reckless driver. But all on one, she was indeed beautiful. She had flattering eyes and a pretty well defined face. Just gorgeous.

We arrived at Asmaara's house after approximately 20 minutes. We arrived 10 minutes early because the meeting was scheduled for 7:00pm.
We arranged everything before they arrived and eventually, Asmaara's long awaited knock came. She quickly went to hide in the kitchen. Couldn't help but chuckle. She is like the little sister I don't have. I've always adored her. And all the time we'll spend our time roaming around since she was the only child.

I went to open the door and my eyes fell on the drop dead gorgeous reckless driver that put me in a bad mood.

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