Chapter 34

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Sauf's POV.

"But why should I care? I have nothing to do with him. They should find someone else for ransom. I can't spend my money on him." I felt upset and angry. I didn't really know why but I think it was because of the kidnapping.

"Sauf please-"


"Okay, Reem please this isn't the time to be angry. It just £100 000. That's a small amount to you. If you wish, after he is released, you can torture him as much as you want but please help,"

"Fine! Where is he?"

"I don't know but they said to keep the money at the old warehouse at the back of the city."

Urgh. Let's go," I grabbed my handbag and we headed out together.

Throughout the ride I was extremely quiet. Calls came in but I declined all, because I wasn't feeling as positive and happy as I was before the news of Ammar was brought to me.

Why am I feeling sad for the situation Ammar is in? I should be happy he's in such a situation but why am I feeling angry?

Urgh I'm sure it's just out of humanity. But why? Why? Why? Why can't I stop thinking of him and whether he is alright or not?

As if Sara was in my head, she spoke,

"Because you still care for him and you can't deny it. Being Reem or Sauf won't change it. But I tell you this, you care for him, believe me or not-" I immediately caught her off mid sentence.

"Oh please! Don't get there," I sighed heavily. I logged in my Twitter account to distract me a little but I was still moody.

We arrived at the destination after about one hour thirty minutes. I asked the driver to go keep the suitcase inside the warehouse as I was scared to go in there.

Suddenly, Sara's phone began to ring. After she had answered and hung up, she turned and looked at me.

"He's free,"

"Thank God!" I said unknowingly. I turned and faced Sara making a 'it was a mistake' face.

"Sooner or later you'll face reality." She smirked.

I couldn't understand what she was saying at all. I wanted to ask her but I felt it would be better if I reasoned out everything myself.

Third Person's POV.

"Come on everybody. Let's go to the mini cinema. Let's watch a movie and relieve ourselves of some stress!" Sara yelled as she clapped her hands continuously.

Once in a while, everyone would go to the mini cinema and watch the latest movie in town. It was just a way to refresh the mind. Of course, Sauf was against it but she agreed, with Sara convincing her.

After the movie was over, Fahd decided to go and see Ammar. He bought some groceries for him as well.

He knocked on the door twice and Ammar opened it on the third knock.

"Fahd! Whatsup man!" He greeted.

"I'm good. So can you tell me how everything went?" Fahd grinned widely.

Ammar's POV.

I had just woken up from a short nap I had. On hearing knocks from the door, I opened it to reveal Fahd. I was glad he came because I needed to tell him how everything went.

After our greetings, we settled on the couch together.

"Well, I had Sara tell Sauf that I've been kidnapped and she needed to pay £100 000."

"So where Is all that money now?" Fahd asked shocked.

" I specifically informed Sara that when they go to the bank to collect the money, she shouldn't allow Sauf to come with her. I was already waiting in the premises with a suitcase filled with paper and that was what I gave her."

"Wow what a plan," Fahd complimented.

"Mm...and according to Sara, Sauf was looking extremely tensed and worried but she refused to admit it.

"Don't worry. Sooner or later she'll come to terms with everything."

I and Fahd talked about random things for quite sometime before he left. I decided the next step I needed to take should be the second to the last. The first one, Sara did. This time around it's going to be Iman.

After having dinner, I called her and told her everything that she had to do. Thankfully she understood everything very well.

As part of my plan I decided to go and see Sauf at her house. It was already nine o clock but I still decided to go regardless.

Twenty minutes later, I was standing in front of her mansion.

After introducing myself, the gate was opened for me as well as the entrance door. I was informed that she would come down soon so I waited for her in her living room. I then remembered when I use to live in a similar house before that bitch cheated me and--

I was interrupted by Sauf's voice.

"What brings you here?" She asked in a firm voice.

No matter how hard you try to be Reem, there's always that special something about you that will never change and that's your love and compassion.

I thought.

"Umm...sorry for coming this later. I just wanted to say thank you for the ransom you paid for me. If not for you I would have been dead by now. Thank you very much,"

"I don't really like it when people say thank you to me but I'll accept yours nevertheless. I'm sure they didn't hit you so I expect to see you at work tomorrow." She immediately stood up and left. I also got up to leave as I thought,

Sauf no matter how much you try to ignore and avoid me, I know you still love me but you won't just admit it. I'll wait for you until you accept me. Even if it means I'll forever wait for you.

Salam everyone. I haven't been updating properly and I know this chapter is hella boring. and crappy. I tell you writing about all this plans and executing them is the hardest thing ever. I want to hurry and finish this phase of the story.

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I love you all so much.❤❤
Love, Asmaa 💕

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