Chapter 16

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Third Person's POV.

"My dear it's just some work related stuff, you know. There was umm some money he wanted to forcefully collect from me so I decided to just give it to him so he erh...wouldn't harm u-us you kn-know," Mr. Walid said stuttering. Ammar was glad that the truth hadn't been revealed yet. Since he got to speak with her parents about it before the event, they promised him to tell her everything very soon but st the right time. They didn't want her to do something she'd regret later especially when she is pregnant.

"Lies! Blatant Lies!" A voice said with rage and annoyance in it. All the family members turned and glared at three people coming their way. Ammar was flabbergasted at what was coming before them, so was Mr. Walid and Mrs. Soha Walid. Sauf ran to stand next to Ammar, scared of Rayyan.

As they came forward, Rayyan stood in front of his parents and kept his hands on his face. He raised his neck very high as he played with his tongue in his mouth.

"We've met again Mr. Walid after 13 years! If you've forgotten me, I'm Malik Khalid!" Mr. Malik said more like teasing Sauf's dad.

"W-why h-have y-you come b-back? Wh-ehat ever h-happened back then isn't re-reality. Let's assume it n-never happened please," Mr. Walid pled with him

Sauf's POV.

What are they doing here?
I asked myself.

When they came, I noticed that dad and mom looked as if the world was coming to an end, or as if they had seen their death.
Why is dad stuttering so much? Did he lie to me? What is the big secret that no one wants to tell me? I have a feeling this is about me.

I walked over to Rayyan acting like the strong woman I am.

"You! What happened 13 years ago? Why are you torturing my family because whatever that incident was-" I grabbed him by the collar but he Ammar me off at my statement.

"Leave him Sauf!" Ammar yelled.

"Why? Or you don't want to tell me the secret just like dad as well.  Do you know what it is?" I asked and he immediately looked down, looking sorry.

"Look girl! We're here to take our daughter in law back home with us and that us you! We're not here for any nonsense." His mother blurted out.

"What? Daughter in law? Me? You must be mad! Look at my husband here and you call me your Daughter in law?" I was fuming with anger I could blow her right that instant. By now the guests had all gathered around.

"Dad please just two her to stop lying. I mean tell her to stop!" I went over to dad but his head was down, he couldn't speak.

"Mom, please tell her she's lying. I can't be her son's wife. I mean you got me married to Ammar didn't you?" She was also quiet.

"Ammar Ammar tell them I'm married to you, I love you too much, I can't belong to anybody else but you!" I held his collar and I was crying already. He cupped my face in his hands wiping my tears with his thumb.

"What parents hide the truth form their daughter especially when it is a question of her life?" Rayyan spoke now.

"You shut up!" I slapped him.

"You want to know the truth? The truth is that, you and I have been married for the past 13 years!" I felt an artificial thunder strike, I felt everything around me spinning.

"Liar! Dad-" Dad cut me off before I could even finish speaking.

"He isn't lying my girl, I'm sorry Dad was in tears now.

"I'll tell you everything."

"It all began exactly 15 years ago actually. I and Malik were very good friends. We worked as partners in our business and we were doing very well. In fact even  his late wife was your mother's best friend before she passed on a and he remarried. We worked together like brothers. We were really that close. One day, someone from the office called me and told me that the warehouse had caught on fire and we lost many clients all at once. It felt like a conspiracy for both things to happen at once but It wasn't, it was real. I had lost everything then. I didn't want to work fpr anybody to rebuild my business so Malik lent me £10000. I promised to repay him back but he refused and asked for something else. You!"

I was stunned at my dad.

"He wanted to get you and Rayyan married at any cost. I didn't understand  he had an ulterior motive. So I agreed and when you turned 8 which makes it the 13 years ago, we all got both of you married but neither of you knew. Years later, I heard the downfall of Malik, he had messed up and was committing fraud. He went to jail for 5 years, that was when I realized he was a fraudulent man and a cheater. I regretted getting you two married and I couldn't get a divorce for you two for it won't be approved. We would be questioned by the court about why we go you two married, so we abandoned  the issue. With time, we all forgot about everything that happened and ensured we got you married as soon as possible. The day I asked you about who kidnapped you and when you told me it was Rayyan, that day Malik had come to my office to warn me that he was taking you with him. My blood started to boil, I was so scared and shattered. I and your mum couldn't muster the courage to tell you everything. So we kept silent. So just few days ago, Ammar opened up to me and Soha that he knew everything. He overhead us talking one day. He asked us to tell you as soon as possible but we refused because we were scared to lose you and we thought you might do something you'd regret. And that's the whole story,"

Assalamu Alaykum guys. The secret is out and the games begin!!
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Asmaa ❤🌷🌷

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