Chapter 22

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Ammar's POV.

1 year later...

"Baby, I need my cup of coffee Please," I said as I was coming down the stairs. I went close to Basma and gave her a peck on her left cheek.

"Up so early?" she asked.

"Yeah. I have a couple of meetings,"

She made my coffee and served my breakfast. She'd really been taking care of me for the past one year. I knew I told her I would never fall for her but three days after that, it happened. I don't know how.

"I need about £5000 please." She asked and I smiled because she always asked me for money. She asked me for the same amount every month since our wedding.

"Sure, take it from the safe," I sipped the last coffee in my cup and hung my bag on my shoulder. I missed her and left.

I started to do everything and anything she asked me to do. It felt as if I was her love If she asked me for anything at all, I'd happily give it to her without hesitation. Even after knowing I'd  been married before, she still cared for me. But for some reason, I couldn't remember anything that happened between me and Sauf. I couldn't even remember what happened on our wedding day. Strange.

Ever since I started off afresh with Basma, I'd changed completely. We both started going out for night parties, taking alcohol, I stopped saying my prayers due to excessive drinking. I even turned out to be coldhearted. If work wasn't done properly by an employee, that person would be fired immediately. I couldn't stand defeat and lack of punctuality and I got irritated easily. I treated everyone like a crap of shit. I never cared about other's feelings. For a whole year i refused to speak to my parents. Even my old friend's were replaced with the ones i made at the clubs. But Basma made me believe that was the only way to earn people's respect.

I was a new man entirely and I liked it.

Basma's POV.

After Ammar had told me he'd never love me, I felt hurt. It felt as if I was rejected. A whole me, Basma Ridwan, Rejected! No way! I decided I would make him fall for me in less than five days by hook or by crook. I'd always loved him but he never knew and never even noticed me.  Whenever I and my mum visited his house, he only said salaam to me and that was it. When I heard he got married to Sauf, my greatest enemy back then in college, story for another day. I was angered even more. I made a vow to myself that I'd separate them. I did everything I could but I failed.

I was about giving up when I heard the news that they were divorced, that gave me new strength. I decided to use the opportunity to marry him. I got my mum to speak to his mum so we could get married and yes! Everything turned out as planned and easier than I expected.
We got married and my heart's first desire was fulfilled. Yes, my first.

I called my mum and told her everything he told me on our wedding day. She asked me not to worry and that she would do something the next day. She asked me to see her at twelve pm the next day. I left without telling Ammar since he even said I had my freedom. She took me to a wardlock for charms. At first I was scared but after doing what I was asked to, I was relaxed due to the result I saw. I was giving a powdery substance to put in his food and I did just as I was told. From that day, Ammar started obeying my every command. I even charmed him to make him forget Sauf and everything that was between them.

Unfortunately, the wardlock had to be given £5000 every month to keep up with the charms. Mum decided she'd contribute £3000 and I'd give the remaining. But of course, after collecting 5000 from Ammar, I'd keep 3000 for myself.  I nicked lots of his money and he never knew about anything. And yes, that was my second desire.

One day I decided I'd take possession of the house legally so I met a lawyer and he prepared the papers.
I tricked him Into signing telling him I needed his signature on the papers on the new boutique I was opening. He instantly believed me not bothering to ask the name of the boutique. I think the charms made him  more foolish by the day actually.

He kept asking me about the boutique and I decided I'd lie to him. I told him it caught on fire just so he'd stop asking about it.

My mum kept telling me to throw him out of the house since it belonged to me. I told her I'd wait till the charms stop since it wouldn't last forever  and he finds out the whole truth. We continued with all our planning and conspiracies.

Marrying Ammar, did not stop me from having fun with all my boyfriends though. I even wooed him into all the bad things I did. The only thing he never did was have s** with a girl but he'd kissed and made out with several girls.


"I need to sleep with him mum. I know we've made out together but that wasn't anything you know what I mean. I want us to sleep together and do the real stuff." I told my mum who was sitting on my bed with me.

"Okay my girl. You should, so that he can transfer his other properties into his child's name."

We talked for a while before she left.

Later that night, I gave him some dates and watermelon to boost him a little. He ate and ate to his heart's content.
Around twelve pm, he asked for me for it without me doing anything. He kissed me lingeringly and I moaned in pleasure. He slowly unzipped my dress and went to my power house to start of whatever he had to...

Hey guys! Ammar has changed a lot hasn't he. But we have to Admit, we all hate Basma don't we? I hate her more.

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I love you all very much my little kittens.
Love your girl, Asmaa❤❤

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