Chapter 6

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Sauf's POV.

We talked for a while on a bench in the park. We bought some salad and steak and had cotton candy and ice cream later on.
I told him about my childhood and how I always used to top the class in Grade school, junior high school and high school. I even told him some funny moments back then. I felt very comfortable talking to him.
Though the incident about the veil was pretty unwelcoming.

After a while I realized it was almost maghrib time.

"Listen Ammar, It was really nice talking to you. I've found a new best friend in you today. Thank you."

"Oh no need to say that. There's nothing like thank you or sorry between friends. Or rather best friends!" He said and we both laughed.

"You're coming online today yeah? I'll send you some funny memes." He said.

"Okay I'll wait for them. I'm going now, it's getting late." I said.

"Okay let's go. I'll walk you to the car then," he offered. He rested his elbow on my left shoulder as he cracked some jokes. He really was hilarious.

We both said our byes and off we went.

I arrived home at exactly maghrib time to meet everyone in a congregation. I rushed upstairs and performed wudhu then joined them already in the third raka'ah. After saying their salaams, I recited the two raka'ahs that I missed.


"Where were you Sauf?" My mum asked with firmness.

"I went to the park with Dina and Maya," I lied not sure what she would think if I told her I was with Ammar. She might not have even remembered him.

I felt everyone's eyes on me. Maybe mum told them what she and Dad wanted to say. And my ears were the only ones left to hear. I have a feeling this is about me and is serious.

I didn't get pregnant did I? Oh foolish, Sauf!

"Well okay. My girl, yesterday when you and your sisters went out, a wedding proposal came for you." Mom dropped the long awaited bomb.

"What?!" I shouted causing little Jasmine to jerk up but got comforted by Ismah.

"From wh...who?" I managed to ask.

"You remember that boy we met at Asmaara's house the other day? What's his name?" Dad began.

"Ammar!" Kamal chipped in.

What?! Oh My. Ya Allah what is all these?

"Oh yes! Ammar. His parents came immediately after the proposal was delivered. They actually left before you girls came back yesterday." And Dad continued.

I felt hot tears streaming down my cheeks. But I met with him today and be didn't tell me anything about it. Why? But why am I crying. Ammar is a nice boy, it'll be nice to marry him but am I ready. Oh Allah, guide me onto the right path.

"My dear, I think you should consider it. The way I saw him the other day, he seemed like a religious, sensible and cultured boy. I think he's the best match for you. What more could we want? I think we should double everything that we're doing." Mum added.

All this while I was quiet, I couldn't say anything. If I open my mouth to speak, nothing would come out.

"Wh-what d-do you m-mean d-double?" I finally stuttered

"You and Ammar should get married in two weeks. On the same day as Kamal and Asmaara." My mum concluded.

I opened my eyes widely, quite astonished.

"Don't worry about your career, his family will allow you to pursue it and they're okay with it happening in two weeks."

I didn't have the strength to utter another word. I just slowly stood up and went to my room to clear my head. I had a lot going on in my mind.

But a deep part of me is happy about the marriage. Maybe because of the new side of Ammar that I saw today. Mum is right, he's probably the best match for me. He'll take care of me, I hope. As it is said: Get married to your best friend and you will find love.

"Will I really find love in this marriage?" I whispered to myself.

"Sure sister," I heard a voice and it turned out to be Mona. She assured me that I Will. But it will only take some time. I hope she's right.

After she left, I heard my phone beep and I checked to see the memes Ammar promised to send me.

A smile was then plastered on my face.

"How did he know I needed something to enlighten my night? Maybe Mona was right After All," I finally came to terms with it.

Ammar's POV.

After sending the memes I promised Sauf, I heard a loud call from my mum downstairs. I rushed downstairs to respond to her call.

"Assalamu Alaykum," I greeted both my parents.

"Wa'alaikumu salaam son," Dad replied.

I sat down on a sofa next to mum. I noticed their gloomy faces, wondering what the matter was.

"What's wrong Abu?" I asked, worried it might be bad news.

My mum tapped me on my shoulder as I turned to look at her.

"My son, we took a wedding proposal to a girl yesterday for you. We've met with her parents," I was shocked. I didn't know that they would act so soon.

"What?! Who is She?"

"You've met her before actually. Sauf Walid. Asmaara's future sister-in-law," My dad answered.

It took me a minute and a half to comprehend what he just said.

"We've concluded everything and they're okay with it. We just need both your consents now."

After a while, I spoke up.

"I'm ready." I said, more like whispered.

"Really, Alhamdulillah! Thank you Allah," my mum screamed.

I went to my room and lay on my bed. I then got up to pray isha and offer my gratitude to Allah. He finally granted my wish. I'm going to get married to the girl of my dreams.

But do I love her? I guess I sort of do!

I decided to call her to hear what she had to say. She picked up on the 5th ring.

"Hello?..." I spoke first.

Guys! I know I'm updating like crazy. But you'll thank me later. Now let's see. Ammar and Sauf are getting married.

Will they eventually get married?
What will come their way?

Hope you enjoyed this chapter. Please be sure to
And share.

Ramadan Kareem once again.


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