Chapter 42

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Ammar's POV.

"I'm sorry I ignored you all these months. I'm sorry I didn't give you a chance to tell me your side of the story. I'm sorry i taunted you, I mistreated you. I'm sorry for hurting your feelings. I'm sorry for not trusting you. I know it's been difficult for me to come to terms with your marriage with Basma but now i feel there's more to otwhich I don't know. But I don't even want to know because now i know, you can never hurt me on purpose, Ammar Abdullah," I kept staring at her without blinking. I was shocked and anyone in my position would be. Suddenly, tears started streaming down my eyes. She took an edge of her veil and wiped them away.

"Sauf! You trust me, you trust me again. You cannot imagine how elated i am at this moment. I waited for you for so long and I finally have you back! Living without you was hell on earth i tell you but thanks to Fahd, I managed."  I started. "I knew you'd always come back to me sooner or later. And it happened, all thanks to the Almighty. You know, Basma charmed and made me fall for her. I conpletely forgot you and our relationship And obeyed her like a puppet but now everything is fine, everything."

"I always knew that whore was no good at all. I want to apologize to you again because i joined forces woth her just to ruin you and your business. I'm sorry. I caused you a lotof trouble, i don't know what came over me but i will have to admit, inwas jealous and i felt betrayed. I got angry and so-"

"Don't say anything. With or without my business, as long as i have you, I can survive."

"I want to say something. One more thing!"

"Say it," I urged her.


"Go ahead" I gave her an encouraging nod.


"I'm listening Sauf,"

"I'm scared,"

"That's what you wanted to say? Scared of what?"

"Losing you,"


"Because I love you. I love you Ammar. I don't want to lose -"

Before she could even finish her sentence, i pulled into a bone crushing hug.

"I love you too," I whispered. I felt at ease with her in my arms. I didn't want to ever leave these beautiful soul, they were everything to me, everything!

I let go of her and cupped her face withy hands as I kissed her forehead.

"Let's start afresh. Like before," Isaid, smiling widely.

"Not like before, better than before,"


It's been two weeks since Sauf's fantastic confession. It's been two weeks since i became a new man. Everything changed the minute she said those magical words. I couldn't help it. She actually said she loves me. Once again! At last. I waited for that day for so long but since i was ready to wait forever, I didn't realize how long 5 years and some months was.

I feel like a whole new born baby, who just received his mother's love seconds after he was born. I feel new and fresh, as if the world started all over again just to give me a second chance at love. It really is an amazing feeling that can not be put into words. It's just something else at a whole new dimension.

Over the past month, Sauf had promoted Fahd to the position of Director of Finance when the incumbent resigned claiming he wanted to open his own business. Seeing my competence amd dedication, Sara made her promote me to the Director of Production and Planning as well. Then, she hadn't confessed which is sort of funny to me. In this case, the incumbent resigned also claiming he found a better offer.
One week after our long awaited day, she opened her second office in Minnesota, US. She needed employees to run it for her so Fahd and Sauf left to handle it so they literally live there together afterall it's only about a month and a half to their wedding. Of course, she replaced Fahd's and Sara's position.

I really miss Fahd a lot, he was my buddy and my brother. I shared everything and anything with him. I must say, in Sara's case, he helped me a lot and i am extremely grateful to Allah for blessing me with such a brother and best friend.


"Sauf, here are the files for the next project."

I kept the files on her desk and fell back on the chair opposite her desk. I rested my elbow on the desk and held my forehead with my hand, slightly covering my eyes.

"Are you tired hun?" She asked, touching my shoulder.

"Extremely," i shook my head.

"Come on then let's leave since you're tired," She rose up fromher sit ams grabbed her bag and phone.


"No ifs and buts, let's go."


I went to my office and took my laptop amd phone. I hopped in her car and she drove us to a nearby coffee shop. She ordered and espresso while i ordered a hot ginger tea.

"Tastes refreshing," i commented.

"Yeah," she agreed.

We both chatted, cracked some jokes, flirted and whatnot before deciding to  leave. She drove me home. She escorted me up to my doorstep. I planted a kiss on her forehead and gave her a hug before she left. Yes! We've become that close.

I shut the door and went straight to the bathroom. I took a cold shower and performed ablution. I said my prayers before lazily hopping on the couch to do some work.

I did the optimal amount of work i could. I put away my laptop and headed to my bedroom. After setting out my outfit for the next day, i lay in bed and scrnched up mu duvet to my face.

"Dirrrin!" My phone notified a message.

Goodnight, dream about me❤️❤️ -Loml❤️

"Oh Sauf," i whispered.

Sure thing habibti, dream about me too😍

After sending my reply i kept my phone and dozed off into La La Land.

Wowwwwww! Who imagined they'd end up like this. It's been a worthwhile journey mehnnn! Okay without further ado thanks for reading this far I appreciate it.

I love you all very much❤️ Come back for more chapters!!!!!

Love Asmaa🥀

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