Chapter 11

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Ammar and Sauf's room above.

Ammar's POV.

Sauf looked really upset about something as if someone told her something really hurtful. I asked her what it was but she assured me it was nothing. I decided to let her be. We arrived at home after Isha prayer, we met Everyone sitting in the living room.

"Where did you two go?" Ammi asked, she was obviously worried.

"Oh we just went to her parents house to visit them," I answered. Sauf didn't look interested one bit.

"Oh we were so worried. You two go and freshen up, dinner is served." Mum ordered.

I nodded as I took Sauf's hand Into mine, she immediately looked into my eyes, shocked. We went upstairs and I made her sit on the couch. She removed her veil as if to get some air Into her soft, silky, long hair.

I carefully pushed some few strands behind her ear as I took my hands into hers.

"What's the matter Sauf? You've been looking upset ever since I picked you up from your parents? You can share anything and everything with me. We're married now and we're friends at least right?" I enquired.

"You're right. Actually mum and dad were asking me about that Rayyan Malik and they looked really shocked when I told them his name, they looked scared. And when I asked them, they told me it was nothing. Ammar, they won't be scared if it was nothing right?"

"You're right, but just don t worry about it. They must have been worried that he might do it again. It's just jitters Okay? Don't worry he won't harm you as long as I am with you." I pulled her into a hug and she rested her head on my chest. I couldn't be happier that I had her in my arms.

"Princess let's quickly freshen up, everyone's waiting downstairs," I said.


Sauf's POV.

I woke up really late to which I was shocked about. Probably because I and Ammar stayed up late chit chatting. I quickly said my prayers and rushed to the bathroom to take a shower. I came out in just a short towel which was so short, it revealed my thighs completely. Suddenly, Ammar stormed in.

"I'm sorry, I'll go," he quickly said.

"It's Okay, you can stay," I motioned to the bed. He sat there, backing me trying to fix his tie.

I quickly blow dried my hair and went to the wardrobe to grab my abaya and Hijab. I got ready behind him hoping he wouldn't turn.

"I'm set, shall we?" I asked.

"Sure, by the way, you look cute my princess," I let out a soft blush before saying thank you. I took my Kate Spade handbag and put the necessary items in it. I grabbed some files before heading downstairs with him. We had breakfast and he dropped me off at the office before he went to his own office. By the way I'm the boss of my mini company. Cool yeah?

Work was really stressful today because we were struggling to get as many clients as possible. Many people would come in to ask for help regarding the design of their homes and I was glad to tell them, I will love to design it for them.

"Ma'am, here's some burger for you," Samira, my personal assistant informed. She normally brings snacks for me in between work hours.

"Thanks. And please just call me Sauf," I requested. I didn't really like the way she called me 'Ma'am' especially because she's of the same age. She requested for half day's leave because she was getting married in a week's time.

"You can go. In fact I grant you leave till 5 days after your wedding," I said gladly.

"Really Ma...I mean Sauf? Thank you," She hugged me tightly before leaving. She was really a sweet lady.

I rounded up work before I decided to call Ammar to hear were he was so he could come pick me up. I called him twice but he wasn't answering. I concluded that maybe he was stuck at work. I decided to wait for his call. It was already getting late but he still hadn't called so I decided to just go home with a cab. I stepped out the office to catch a cab when I saw him. Rayyan coming towards me. How is he out of prison so soon?

"So wifey, what's up? Your hubby isn't hear...uuu so sad huh?" I clutched my bag tightly and adjusted my Hijab to cover myself properly. I pursed my lips, I do that whenever I'm scared.

"What d-do y-you want...let me g-go. I'm telling you m-my hu-husband won't s-spare you." I stuttered.

"Why are you stuttering so much, are you scared?"

I had some perfume In my bag so I sprayed some in his eyes and ran off. Luckily there was a cab approaching so I hopped in.

After reaching home and saying salaam to everyone, I went upstairs and hopped into bed, hugging my knees tightly as I buried my head in my arms. I sobbed and sobbed and sobbed. My head and heart were pounding as if someone hit it with a pestle.

"Sauf, when did you get back home?" I heard Ammar ask.

I sniffed and sobbed again. I heard him come close to me, he sat on the bed near me and took my face in his hand. He looked really worried and concerned.

"Oh Ya Allah! What's wrong princess?" He asked.

I'm sure I looks as pale and red as ever.
I couldn't even speak, i just continued to sob as he kept asking me what was wrong.

"He-he is back a-and out of p-prison," I stuttered.

"Who," he asked immediately after I finished my sentence.

"R-Rayyan!" I mustered the courage to say his name.

"Tchhhh I'm so going to kill him for making my princess cry like this."

Assalamu Alaykum, How's your Ramadan going. May we see many more. Ameen.

So I'm sure Rayyan is becoming a pain in the neck. Im skrry but Don't worry there's more to this mystery.
Hope you enjoyed this chapter. Please be sure to
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Sometime Back(Unedited version)On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara