Chapter 10

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Sauf's POV.

"Sauf, wake up," I heard a voice. I slowly opened my eyes only for me to close them again due to how bright the lights were. I managed to open them completely and felt a heavy hand around my chest, on my breasts. I turned to see Ammar staring at me so I could get up. I then realized he couldn't get up because his right hand was underneath my head. I quickly got up feeling embarrassed.

We greeted each other and he told me he was going to the mosque with Ali and his dad.

" Okay pray well," I said.

"In shaa Allah" He was just so religious just like me and I liked that.

I went to the bathroom to perform my wudhu. Once I was done praying, I recited some supplications. I started to arrange the room. I made the bed, put away Ammar's suit that he kept on the sofa. After doing all that, I went to the bathroom to take a quick shower. After that, I opened my boxes and grabbed an abaya and Hijab. I arranged all of my clothes in the wardrobe, it was clear that Ammar had made space for my clothes. I brought out a blue shirt and dark pants for Ammar to wear for the day. It felt nice doing that for him. That was the least I could do.
I kept his wrist watch on his shirt before I proceeded to keep my two large boxes on the wardrobe. I pulled a stool to stand on it. I grabbed the biggest of the two boxes to put on the wardrobe. Just as I picked it up and stretched my arms to keep it, I felt my leg slip from the stool and the box fell from my hand. I thought I would fall but I felt strong arms around my waist.

"Are you okay?" Ammar asked.

"Yeah, Thanks," he cupped my face with his left hand which was free and kissed me on my lips. I immediately gave in as I kissed him back.

"Umm..." I whispered and he let go of me. He helped me put the boxes on the wardrobe.

"What were you even trying to do Sauf?" He asked laughing. I got really annoyed, I almost fell and he's laughing?

"Oh you're laughing. Really?" I pouted and folded my arms looking away.

"Oh Princess! Don't be upset with your prince please," he pleaded in an awkward voice. I couldn't help but laugh. "I forgive you,"

"Go take a shower, I've kept your clothes. I'll go make breakfast,"

"Oh how did you know that's my favourite shirt? Thanks. I'll come in a jiffy,"

I smiled and nodded.

"Assalamu Alaykum Ammi(mother). Assalamu Alaykum Abbi(father)," I greeted my parents-in-law.

I noticed Ali smiling at me and I said salaam to him as well.

"How was you wedding night eh?" He raised his eyebrows. Even though nothing happened but was about to, I couldn't help but blush at his statement.

"Hey stop pulling her leg," Dad scolded him.

"I'll go make breakfast," I said so I could run away from the situation.

I got to the kitchen and found some flour, eggs, milk and so much more. I then decided to make some pancakes, custard and a fruit salad.

I was already making the fruit salad, as I was done with the pancakes and the custard. I was trying to wipe the sweat strolling down the side of my face. Out of nowhere, I felt a cloth on the spot of the sweat. I raised my head to find a smiling  Ammar.

"You did well Princess," he said. "Pancakes are my favourite for breakfast," he said. I was glad he loved what I made. He helped me set the table and I brought the dish of pancakes and fruit salad with me. He came with the custard.

After having breakfast, Abbi left for the office not after I gave him his lunchbox of food and Ammi went to her room to catch some morning sleep.

"Where are your cousins that were here yesterday?" I asked Ammar when it was just me and him in the living room.

"I drove them away because I wanted it to be just me and you."

"What?! Well too bad mum and Ali are here."

"Hahaha...Ali will be going to the office in a bit and mum will also be out so..."



It'd been two weeks since my wedding and I was missing my family so much. I had just received the letter that my architectural platform could finally be open. I was to start work by the next week. I had employed most of my workers already.

When Ammar was back from work, I told him the good news as he was very happy for me.

"Goodluck princess!" He smiled. He had a billion dollar smile Ma Sha Allah.

"Why do you keep calling me princess?"

"Because you are one. But you're my personal princess. I ain't sharing."

"Slefish. Umm Ammar, I was thinking if I could go visit my parents. If you don't mind,"

"Of course. They're your family you can go anytime. We can go now." I was so happy that I hugged him without knowing it.

I rushed to my room to grab my phone and I came rushing back.



We arrived at my parents house in less than half an hour.

"Sister! Salaam," Ismah jumped on me in a tight hug. I greeted my parents and went ahead to hug Mona as well. I picked up Jasmine and kissed her on her forehead, I really missed everyone. The house felt strange as if I hadn't been there for two years. Ammar greeted everyone as well and left promising to come back for me after isha prayer.

I chatted for a while with everyone. Dad gave me an envelope which I found strange.

"What is it Dad?"

"Open it together with Ammar once you go home. It's a gift for both of you from all of us." He explained.

I kept it safely in my bag thinking about what it could be.

"Sauf dear? When you were kidnapped by those men, what was the name of their boss that got arrested?" My mum asked curiously.

"Umm...what was it again, oh yes! Rayyan Malik, why?"

I noticed how both my parents face went all gloomy. Their facial expression suddenly changed up on hearing the name.

"What's wrong Dad? What about Rayyan Malik?"

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