3. Identification please?

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As expected, taking the tube was hell on Earth. So many lost souls wondering up and down the tunnels trying to get to their destinations. A few stopped her to ask her to directions and she tried, really she did, but when they start the friendly chitchat, she just walked away. Rude, but she couldn't care less. It was rush hour and she had already done her good deeds for the day. Plus, she needed to be somewhere. As soon as she exited the Covent Garden station she received a text message - Reservations are under a Ben Sherman. Rich.

Ben? God hope this is not the same Ben, she thought. She purposely slowed down her pace as she walked to Dishoom. She knew that this was a once in a lifetime chance and she needed this so much for her career. She needed him. She hated to admit it, but she really did need him. She needed him to be onboard with her project and to possibly include the other members of the royal family. She knew it wasn't fair to him that she was pining all her hopes and dreams on this one meeting, but she couldn't help it. She was stuck in a dead-end job. It was easy to juggle while she was studying but as a full-time job, it wasn't challenging her enough. And the worst part is the current economy is so bad that unless she was willing to leave England she might never stop researching mindless topics that do squat all on impacting a change.

She opened the door to Dishoom and was hit with the smells of beautiful aromatic spices. God, she could really use a House Chai right now, she thought. She didn't realise how cold it was outside until she stepped into the restaurant. She rubbed her hands to warm them up.

"Hi," she said to the waiter, "reservation at 6 under Ben Sherman."

"This way please, Ma'am," the waiter smiled at her while showing her to the table.

"Thank you," she said. She turned and there were two tables, each with two seats in front of her and they weren't pushed together. The same loud and rude Ben was sitting with Richard and the other table next to them was empty. She frowned, Am I supposed to sit at the table alone and talk over to him? That's just fucking rude.

"Did the table do something wrong?"

Farrah's head snapped up, "Sorry?"

"Why are you glaring at our table?" Richard asked her, sending her a crinkly smile.

"Our table?" She echoed.

"Yes, this one," he gestured at the empty table behind him. "Come on now. I'm starving." He said as he pulled out a seat as he waited for her to sit.

"Erm, thank you," she said quietly. "Your friend will be eating alone?" she asked confused.

"Bodyguard actually," Ben chirped.

"Oh, Okay," Farrah said her brows still knitted in confusion.

"Ben is my bodyguard for when I go out like this," Richard gestured to himself. "It's easier to pass of as buddies hanging out in a big group if your bodyguard looks like he fits in."

"People don't stare as much I suppose," Farrah concluded.

Richard smiled again, "Thank you for agreeing to dinner tonight."

"Before you thank me, I need to see some identification," Farrah shifted in her seat uncomfortably. She heard a cross between a laugh and a cough coming from Ben. She looked at Rich trying to gauge his reaction but he had a smirk on his face.

"I like this one," she heard Ben say.

Furrowing her brows but her lips in a half smile, "Thank you, I like myself too. But I still need to your identification, yours too Ben," she told Ben. She was rewarded with more chuckles from Ben.

"And what would you do, if I wasn't Prince Richard of  Wales?" he asked cocking his head to side, studying her.

"Well, I'd still have a pretty damn good dinner, but I wouldn't waste my time presenting my proposal," Farrah answered crossing her arms across her chest.

Rich reached to the back pocket of his jeans and pulled out his wallet. He plunked down his British Army identity card, his driver's license, and ... "Sorry, I don't have my passport with me," he said looking Farrah straight in the eye. Farrah bit her cheek holding back the smart reply on the tip of her tongue, instead what she did end up blurting out, "Fuck me, you really are Prince Richard of Wales."

She could hear more chuckles coming from both Rich and Ben, but she tuned it all out as she very delicately picked up the two cards and was inspecting it closer. "I just...Wow..." she couldn't find anything to say.

"So, how about dinner now?" he said smiling.

She nodded in answer, "Thank you for picking this place, its – "

"Your favourite," he cut her smoothly.

After Rich was done keeping his cards back into the wallet, he signaled for the waiter.

"Hi Sir, can I take your order?" the waiter asked ready with a pen and paper in hand.

"I'll have a sparkling water, room temperature with a slice of lemon in it and the lady will have a House Chai," Rich ordered smoothly. "We'll be ready to order our food in another 10 mins?" He looked at Farrah and she nodded. "Thank you," Rich said to the waiter.

"Very good, Sir," the waiter said and left quickly.

Farrah just sat back and watched Rich. Her mind was still reeling. First of all, Prince Richard was sitting in front of her. Prince. Fucking. Richard. Of. Fucking. Wales. Second, he knew the number to her personal line. Third, he knew that she liked eating at Dishoom because it was her favorite restaurant. Fourth, he knew that she loved their House Chai. Like, what is happening?, she thought to herself. Farrah couldn't decide if she should just enjoy the moment as it is and take full advantage of it, or to prepare herself for whatever shitstorm that could happen to even out all the good things that have happened today. Although to be honest, she has handled many difficult situations with ease that being in an easy situation made her uncomfortable. Life as she knew it was never easy; and it certainly isn't ever fair, she thought grimly. They perused the menu in silence and quickly ordered their dinner.

"So, I'm not sure how to react," Farrah said taking off her camel coloured coat and hung it on the back of her chair. She looked at Rich, really looking it at him. There was no denying that he was an attractive human being, but more than that; he was interesting as hell.

Blue eyes held her gaze steady, belying any feelings, "To me being a prince?" he said in the quietest voice.

"No, to making me the headlines all over the world."

He groaned. "I am so, very sorry."

"I mean I understand that you have...reservations...with the company but to say that to someone in front of cameras and journalists, where it could be documented was quite...reckless don't you think?"

"Reservations? That's putting it lightly." He chuckled.

"Did you get in trouble for it?" she asked slightly concerned.

"Did you?" he shot the question back at her.

"It went viral in in less than 2 hours. What do you think?" she raised an eyebrow.


"Shit, it was." She smiled in answer. 


hey peeps, thanks for reading this far. So to clarify, after Googling for hours I pretty much fibbed on the identification bit. LOL. But hey ho, my story; my reality, right? ;)

Suggestions, comments and votes are (more than) welcomed!!! <3<3<3

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