30. Right As Rain

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It had been a bloody rough 27 hours for Farrah. First the meeting with Richard and Mr. Walters, then George blurting the bit on Mr. Walters wanting in her knickers, followed by Richard's anger and his hasty exit, then both Rachel and George claiming to see some 'spark' between her and Richard, Richard not talking to her, Richard booking for the entire crew rooms in the Ritz Paris, her not getting enough sleep the night before their flight, Richard bumping their tickets from economy to business class, Richard still refusing to reason with her, Richard renting for the crew a luxury 4WD. Richard footing the bill for every fucking thing basically...and still not talking to her.

She was beyond pissed with everything. He didn't even take a minute to ask her if she would be okay with all of this. He didn't even take a second to think what the implications of all this would be. It didn't help that she witnessed, first-hand, how several air stewardesses were tripping over themselves to get him 'settled' into his seat. She had gone to the First Class section of the plane to talk to Ben. With both Ben and Farrah gone, Charlie was bound to go a bit stir crazy. And that was when she saw it, the air stewardess was practically in Richard's lap showing him how to buckle his seat belt. With the amount of flying the man does, one would think that he would already know how to buckle it up himself, she thought to herself as she ground her teeth.

She left with a tight smile on her face as the same stewardess ushered her back to her seat, as they were getting ready to take off. She hadn't managed to speak to Ben at all, as her eyes were fixed on Richard. She sat in her seat, stewing in anger for the entire duration of the flight. Fine, she thought, if he doesn't want to talk to me, I don't have to talk to him either. When she realized how childish her thoughts were, she scoffed quietly and rolled her eyes. She didn't care if she was acting like a child, but she was done trying to talk to Richard, trying to get his attention.

The crew went through immigration quickly and picked up their luggage in what seemed like record time. They met up with Richard and his two bodyguards, Ben and Rob, by the arrivals with their cars. Ben would be with Richard at all times, while Rob was tasked to drive the crew around. By this time even Rachel whispered in Farrah's ears, asking if everything was alright. Farrah just nodded quietly and refused to say more. It was only 9am, and Farrah just plain refused to deal with whatever 'it' was this early.

Obviously because they were with royalty, the crew too was allowed an early check in for their stay. Rachel, like the headmistress to a bunch of rowdy teenager, stood in the middle of the group of four and clapped her hands to get their attention.

"Right, guys...it is 15 to 11.00am and I'm sure everyone could use the rest. We'll meet up at 1.30pm at the lobby and we'll start walking around just to start collecting shots of Paris. Mark, Will; make sure you bring along the necessary equipment and absolutely no mucking about. We'll leave that for when we wrap up the Paris slot, understood?" Rachel said sternly.

"Yes, Ma'am," both men answered solemnly trying to suppress cheeky grins. Rachel rolled her eyes and turned to Farah. "And you missy, you really need to get some sleep. You look horrible...and the camera never lies," Rachel said frowning slightly.

"A soak and a nap will set me right," Farrah mumbled halfheartedly.

"Whatever it is that's messing up the chemistry between you and Richard, you need to fix it. Viewers will pick up the tension in seconds. I don't think I need to remind you Farrah, but this is a once in a lifetime chance. And chances like this will never come by again," Rachel said as she gently patted Farrah's shoulder.

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