24. Presenting The Segment

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Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap. That was the only sound that could be heard in the conference room as Farrah tapped her pen rapidly against the table. The sound of the pen tapping against the table only amplified her anxiousness. She was meeting Richard today, well formally as Prince Richard. In a meeting room. In the BBCS office.

Going through drafts after drafts of the agreements, on conference calls with Richard, Phillip and Allan; their PR guy, they had finally agreed to a contract. And with that, Farrah finally broke the news to her boss George and almost everyone lost their minds. Sure, it came with celebrations a whole lot of brainstorming on how they would make use of this opportunity, but there were the snide remarks that Farrah knew would be aimed her way. No one has said it directly to her, but rumours have already started about her 'relationship' with the Prince.

To make matters worse, Farrah hasn't met Richard since that night he came over to her house to give her the first draft of their contract; where she had left to attend Mahira's mehendi. They talked on the phone but recently it has been all about work. She missed his texts that told her what he did, what he ate, or even who he was meeting. It's ridiculous, but she just missed...him. Without realizing it her hand gripped her earlobes, retracing the path that Richard's fingers traced.

A knock on the door startled her out of her reverie. As she looked up, she saw George looking at her expectantly. "You need me for anything?" Farrah said clearing her throat.

"No, just wanted to check in. You all good?" he asked raising an eyebrow.

"Yeah, all good," she breathed out. "I'm just praying that things go off without a hitch."

She watched as George nodded his head with a contemplative look on his face. "There's something else isn't it? That you wanted to ask?" she said with a raised eyebrow.

"It unnerves me whenever the hell you do that," George mutters. He stepped into the conference room and closing the door behind him. "Look, there's a lot of talk going on about you and the Prince."

"Yeah, I figured," Farrah groaned resting her forehead on the table.

"Is there anything you want to tell me?" George asked, "Just to clear the air..."

Groaning again, Farrah shut her eyes tight. What was she supposed to say? That she has feelings for the Prince and he might have them for her too? That Richard is more than a friend. That most nights she goes to bed wondering what it would feel like to wake up with him next to her. What exactly was she supposed to say, that can clear the air?

"Is he the one sending you all those flowers?" George asked again.

"You know, for a boss, you're being nosy as fuck," she muttered.

"Well?" he continued expectantly.

"No. It's...It's complicated," she said lifting up her head and resting it on the palm of her hand.

"Simplify it. You've got five minutes before you have to start getting the conference room ready," George said looking at his watch.

Sighing deeply, Farrah said, "I was arranged to meet someone, you know, to see if he was a 'prospective suitor'. But we are both not interested; and that was that. The flowers...uh...they are from his elder brother."

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