8. Quoting Bollywood

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It's been hours since Farrah had left Richard's office. She didn't have time to think about what happened in his office as she was swamped the moment she stepped into Paani. Although, her first order of business was to unravel her hair and swallow two paracetamols to soothe that throbbing in her temples.

Running her fingers through her hair she poured through the accounts, the stock-take and checking in with Dave and Charlie. As Dave stood up to leave, he raised his eyebrow at Charlie.

"What? It's girl talk time," she exclaimed with a huge grin on her face. Both Farrah and Dave rolled their eyes at her.

As she heard Dave shut the door to Farrah's office behind her, "What happened? What happened?" Charlie asked breathlessly. Tugging on her hair, Farrah groaned.

"Not now Charlie," Farrah's voiced muffled by all the paperwork on her desk as she dropped her head with a thump on the desk.

"Ben & Jerry's tonight?" Charlie asked her brow furrowed.

"Uhuh," came Farrah's muffled reply.


"So, what happened?" Charlie asked as she dipped her spoon into her pint of Chocolate Brownie ice cream.

Both girls were comfortably dressed in their pajamas and wrapped up in their favourite blankets on the couch. The tele was on but neither of them was paying attention to it. Farrah was studying the swirly patterns her spoon was making in her Peanut Butter Fudge ice cream and Charlie was watching her friend. Something definitely happened today, she thought as she watched her best friend and roommate with a pensive expression on her face.

"Hey, it couldn't have been that bad. Could it?" Charlie asked hesitantly.

"He had a panic attack," Farrah said, eyes still on the patterns her spoon was making.

"Who? Prince Richard?" Charlie asked, her mouth agape.

"Yeap," Farrah said, popping the 'p'.

"What? How?" Charlie still confused.

"I told him about my plan. You know, using Princess Victoria's 20th death anniversary to come up with a segment talking about depression, getting the royals involved...and he had a panic attack," Farrah said flatly.

"Fuck," Charlie breathed.

"Fuck, is right," Farrah said scooping a spoonful of ice cream into her mouth.

"What...so, then how did he calm down?" Charlie asked. "Did you...help...?" her throat suddenly dry.

"Mmhmm" Farrah murmured burrowing herself into the couch and leaning her head against the couch.

"You helped?" Charlie asked again. "How?...Like you do for me? You cuddled him?" She all but shrieked sitting up on the blush colored couch.

Farrah glared at Charlie. "Yes."

"Yes. Yes? That's all I get?" Charlie looked on at her best friend with wide eyes. "You cuddled with Prince Richard! I need details!" she said quickly grabbing the pints of ice cream and sitting it on the coffee table. "Let's remove these distractions, now spill!" Charlie said looking at her with excitement scrawled all over her face.

"Charlieeeee," Farrah whined.

"U'uh, no. No whining. But seriously, though – how come you were the one to help him? Weren't his bodyguards or secretary there?" Charlie asked firing questions at a rapid pace.

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