25. Background Checks

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"Welcome to the team, Your Highness. Although I must say, your selection of your partner is interesting," Mr. Walters said eyes observant.

With a blank look and a polite smile, Richard turned towards him, "Thank you for your welcome. It'll be an interesting experience for sure."

"Yes, especially with Ms. Khan there. Dare I say, I feel a bit jealous of how closely the two of you will be working together," Mr. Walters said teasingly, but his eyes held a vicious glint.

"Well, I'm sure we'll be able to find some project to work on together," Richard evaded smoothly.

"Yes...," Mr. Walters said noncommittally. "I'll take your leave now. Do let me know how Ms. Khan performs, yes," Mr. Walters nodded as he walked away leaving Richard frozen in shock at the loaded statement. Recovering quickly, he looked over at George and watched him frown.

"Apologies Your Highness, but just between the two of us; that man is a slimy piece of shit," George muttered softly, shaking his head. "Come on, lets meet the others on the floor."

Once again, Richard had to force himself to walk past Farrah barely acknowledging her. He knew that this is what she wanted. She had pleaded to him to be formal with her and he tried his best. He refrained from talking to her much other than asking the necessary questions and even then, he choose his words carefully. He already had an idea of the rumours that might be flying around her after the announcement of her segment. But good God, he was overwhelmed by the viciousness he had overheard in the words that were spoken about her.

That man, Chris-or-whatever, not only was he insulting his mother he proceeded to coolly call Farrah a whore and no one batted an eyelid around here. He wanted to turn and break that man's face, similarly how he was itching to break Mr. Walters nose right now. He schooled his features into a polite expression and tried to be engaging in whatever George was saying.

"You're fucking red in the face, mate. You need to calm down," Ben whispered in his ears.

Nodding understandingly, he spied some flowers and offhandedly said, "Someone's Valentine's started early."

"Aah, that is Khan's desk. She's got an admirer. Been getting flowers almost weekly," George said with a chuckle. George then guided Richard towards the next person and repeated the introductions. Richard tried his best but he just could not pay attention to what was being said. The sound of his heart thundered in his ears, and Richard started fearing in earnest that Farrah might not be a part of his life.

Once done with meeting every one of the floor, Richard excused himself and headed towards the car. He felt as though the open space was closing in on him and he needed an out. He barely remembered what he said and did, and he knew when he was in a better state he would have to ask Ben what exactly had happened. He vaguely registered Ben talking to someone in a quiet tone on the phone as he leaned back in the lift. The cool steel gave him some relief but he needed to be outside, to breathe better.

They had made their way to the car when Ben said, "Sir, just a minute." Pausing Richard stood facing the car looking up when he felt two arms wrap around his torso.

"Another panic attack?" Farrah murmured in his ear.

Clenching his jaw, Richard squeezed his eyes shut. He wanted to tell her yes, just to keep her there with him. To have her wrap her arms around him; to feel like he was finally home. But he knew that if she finds out that he lied, she will be beyond angry with him. And he respected her too much to lie for his own selfish reasons.

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