23. A Stiff Drink

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"Assalamualaikum," Farrah said with a small smile to Syafiq. He was tall, with a smile on his lips he greeted her with a nod of his head. Farrah studied him and tilted her head to the left. He looked vaguely familiar. And then it clicked when Saif slung an arm over Syafiq's shoulder and asked, "How are you bruv?"

"Uhum," Syafiq cleared his throat trying to catch Saif's eye that was trained on the dance floor.

"So, where's that bird you were to supposed to reject?" He said offhandedly, craning his neck as though looking for someone.

Farrah looked at Syafiq, and he looked mortified. With her lips twisting, trying not to break out in a laugh, "She's right here."

Shocked eyes looked at her as she smiled innocently at the two men standing in front of her. She saw the similarities almost immediately - the same broad shoulders, the same wavy black hair, the defined square jaw; they were definitely siblings.

"Syafiq, aren't you going to introduce me to your future wife?" Saif said with mischief twinkling in his eyes.

Farrah pressed her lips together, slightly irked by the 'future wife' comment especially considering what he had said earlier, but before she could say anything Syafiq's mum rushed to join them. Farrah could not believe her eyes, but it seemed like she pushed Saif away from where they stood. She watched as his stance went rigid, his jaws clenched with his hands fisting at his sides.

"I'm sorry, Farrah this is Saif. My brother," Syafiq said calmly as he slung his arm around Saif pulling Saif closer, as if trying to diffuse the sudden tension.

"Step hai ji. Matlab, step brother hai ji," Syafiq's mum said with a forced laugh. (Step. Meaning, step brother)

"Jao, jao. Tum dono kahi ja ke gal-baat karlo," (Go, go. Both of you should go somewhere to chat) Syafiq's mum said as she pushed Syafiq and Farrah towards the doors heading outside. Farrah looked back and saw Saif standing in the same rigid manner as Syafiq's mum talked to him. It didn't look like a pleasant conversation.

"Fuck, I could really use a stiff drink," Syafiq muttered.

Farrah looked towards Syafiq, who stood with his back to the door, hands on his hips looking up into the starless sky. "I think you and Saif both," she murmured shocking him again. He looked at her as she quirked her eyebrows at him.

"You noticed?" he asked.

Shrugging her shoulders, she walked to stand next him, as she faced the doors that they came through.

Syafiq exhaled harshly, she could see his hot breath in the wintry night. "I'm sorry, Farrah."

"What for?"

"My family is a fucking circus."

A small smile played on her lips as she looked into the distance, "Every family has their own issues."

"Look, you seem pretty chill. You're beautiful, educated-"

"Syafiq, you don't have to say it," Farrah cut him off.

"Say what?" Syafiq, cocked his head.

"Whatever that you were going to say before rejecting me."


"I heard the 'but' coming miles away..." she smirked playfully. "And also, what Saif let slip earlier."

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