4. Lumberjack Bear

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It has been a long time since Rich had such an enjoyable dinner, with a female companion no less. Farrah was everything he expected her to be. She was incredibly beautiful sitting in front of him, and intelligent – it was a lethal combination that was slowly getting to him. He can't believe the cheek that she had though, for calling him out at Paani and then to ask for identification tonight.

He knew that he wanted to get to know her the first time he saw her at that event in Oxford. They had a little time off and he was mingling with the rest of the reporters and journalists that were there. Considering the bad rapport that he had all this while with the press, he knew that socializing and networking would only serve him well. But as he was talking to a particular gentleman, his eyes couldn't stop wondering back to her. She had on a crisp white shirt tucked into dark grey trousers, with little to almost no makeup and her hair was pulled back in a sleek ponytail. She was conversing in hushed tones with someone who was probably her coworker. But every so often, she would burst out in a laugh, her brown eyes twinkling and her deep caramel coloured skin aglow.

As he made his rounds and started talking to her, he saw Farrah draw herself back into professionalism. Her eyes, though brown and clear, lacked that twinkle that it held while she was laughing with her colleague. So, he made a 'smart' comment about her working in BBCS for four years thinking that it would make her laugh. Instead it dulled the light in her eyes a little bit more. He didn't expect that little comment to blow up and circle the whole damn world. He didn't realize that cameras were rolling, and those journalists and reporters were still on record.

He had wanted to make up for it, but not only did he not know how, he had almost two whole months of official visits that had been scheduled beforehand that he couldn't get out of. When he got back he was already sporting his beard and thought that if he added on a pair of glasses she might not notice that it was actually that arsehole prince who quite possibly ruined her career, and made her a laughing stock. He knew it was naïve of him, but he wanted her to treat him normally. He wanted to be the one to make her smile and laugh. 

Although, he should have known that she was good at her job; she recognized him in two minutes flat and that's saying something. There hasn't been any printed photos of him sporting his beard and crazy hair. He was always polished to shine whenever there was media around, and shine he did. Unfortunately, not always for the best reasons.

"So..." she said bringing him to the present, "this whole lumberjack-bear look you've got going. It's new?" she asked, waving her spoon in his direction.

Rich blinked, as he heard snickers from the next table, completely in shock of her description of his look. "Lumberjack what?!"

"Your look. This disguise." Again, she waved her spoon around as she talked.

And now snickers turned into full blown laughter, at that precise moment Rich wondered if he could get away with murder. Well, he didn't really need Ben much, it was all protocol anyways. No one would miss him would they?, he thought darkly. Shooting a murderous glance at Ben, Rich turned his attention back to Farrah. "Yes, it's new. I don't actually ever go out in disguise."

"I guessed as much. I Googled you and no picture popped up of you looking like a..." she trailed with a sheepish smile

"...lumberjack bear," Rich concluded for her. "You Googled me?" he raised an eyebrow.

"Of course I did, but considering you know the number to my personal mobile phone; I bet you did a whole lot more than just Googling," she challenged him to deny it.

"Touché," Rich said smiling at her.

It has been less than 30 minutes sitting here with her and Rich felt like he has gone through a whole spectrum of emotions by just talking to her. There seemed to be a sudden blanket of silence descending upon the two of them and Rich knew exactly why it was. He wasn't sure if he needed to assert the fact that everything and anything he said today was off the record; she was still a journalist after all. A member of the media. One who was hunting for a good story to carve a notch for herself alongside her other 'esteemed' colleagues. Rich scoffed internally, the amount of bullshit that they put him through was just ludicrous.

"Farrah, I need to make something very clear – Although I am not in the habit of doing so on dates, but I have to stress that everything and anything we talk about today is off the records," he said seriously, looking her in the eye.

"I'm sorry, I think I just had a brain fart moment. I think you just referred to our dinner-meeting as a...as a..." she trailed off, unable to say the word.

Apprehension sunk deep in Richard's heart, "I believe the word you're looking for is date."

"I don't date," Farrah said with tone that left no room for arguments.

"Why?" he asked, genuinely curious about this beautiful young woman in front of him.

"It's...I...It's...I don't...," she sighed. "It's complicated."

"Is it a religious thing?" he asked, cocking his head to the side while he leant back on the chair, studying her.

Taking a sip of her Chai, she answered, "Well, yes as a practicing Muslim that's one of the reasons."

She was visibly flustered, and Rich believed that without a doubt whatever her reasons were, they were complicated. Enough to scare her off dating altogether.

"Although, you're awfully presumptuous. You're supposed to ask someone out on a 'date'. Not ambush them and assume that they are agreeing to it," she said making air quotes with her fingers.

Richard's lips quirked into a small smile. And, she's back, he thought as he watched her straighten her spine and blink away her confusion.

"Well, I've had two months to plan the ambush. All that military training came in handy, eh Ben?" Richard said playing along. He heard Ben chuckling next to him.

"Two months to prepare for a date and you brought me here, to Dishoom? That's it?" She wrinkled her nose, her dark, chocolatey eyes twinkling in humor.

Richard leaned forward and brushed his fingertips teasingly across the face of Farrah's watch that was peeking through her sleeves at her wrist, "If you want more, love, you'd have to agree to a second date then," he said teasingly.

Suddenly the air around them was alive, and it was crackling with attraction.                                        


Another day, another chapter. I would love to say that I am on a roll but I am really not. LOL. Oh well.

Anyhooooo, anyone of you watch the royal wedding yesterday? My muse has gotten married. *Whispers in ears* If you hadn't figure it out yet, Prince Richard is loosely based on Prince Harry. Hey ho, he might be married but my imagination is not, so carry on we shall!!

Oh and another thing, do not - absolutely do not under any circumstances Google lumberjack bear especially if you don't have the safe options on *shudders*

Peace out for now, and remember to vote, comment and share!! xx

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