51. Lock and Key

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"I don't think I'll be able to sleep yet," Farrah said softly as they walked back to the cottage. She had Richard's jacket over her shoulders as the wind had started picking up and it was getting chilly. She buried her nose into the jacket, inhaling deeply the lingering notes of Richard's cologne.

He draped his arm on her shoulder and pulled her close. They were at the door step when he turned to look at her; "What would you like to do?", he asked.

"Can we just watch TV or something? Until I get sleepy?" she asked slowly. Not really wanting the night to end. Not wanting to be away from Richard.

"Alright," Richard said simply as they walked into the cottage.

"I'll just change into something more comfortable," Farrah said as they both walked towards their own rooms.

Farrah loathed to remove the jacket from her body. She had come to love the smell of his cologne. She had never really allowed herself to be this close to him, but right now; all her walls, all her rules were disintegrating into nothingness. Looking at the time she took a deep breath. She knew she will have to perform her namaz before she leaves the room.

As she took her wudhu, instead of feeling guilty of being alone with a man, she felt strangely calm. She was at peace with herself. The light touching, the hugging; instead of feeling guilt squeezing her heart there was a heaviness in its place. Something that spoke of how deep her feelings for him actually are. How much she longed to be with him.

As she put on her prayer garbs, she heard a knock on the door. "Come in," she called.

Richard opened the door and hesitated. She was stood poised to say her prayers. Covered from head to toe with only her face visible; she still looked breath taking. It was something in her eyes, in her smile that she shot him; it made his heart swell.

"I hope I'm not disturbing you," he said softly, admiration in his eyes.

"No, I was just about to pray," she answered him with a smile.

"Ah, alright. I'll leave yo-,"

"No," Farrah cut him off. "Stay,"

Richard sat on the bed, his eyes trained on her as he watched her in prostration. Her lips moving as she said recited the words that she knew by heart. It was then that he knew that no matter what happens between them, he will always have a different view of Islam. This beautiful woman in front of him showed him how beautiful the Islam is. The kindness, the love, the respect, the devotion, the faith.

Although he also knew that not everyone was the same. In any religion, you'd come across these wonderful gems of people, and then you also come across bigots. It dawned on him that if he continued to pursue Farrah that she'd be exposed to so much more; to racism, to prejudice, to hatred.

But unlike her, he was selfish; he was physically unable to stay away from her. He knew these six months away from her was going to be hell on him. She will be exceedingly busy and there was no chance of her coming home in between the shooting. They were going to try to shoot as much as possible cover as many topics as they could. He toyed with the idea of visiting her but he wasn't sure how she'd react to it.

As Farrah watched Richard deep in thought, his elbows on his knees as he looked down. He seemed to not have realised that Farrah was done with her namaz. She rose slowly making minimal sounds and stripped off her prayer garbs. Dressed in an oversized t-shirt and some comfortable pajama bottoms, she walked silently towards him and knelt in front of him. Reaching out she rubbed his forehead which was creased with lines. His head snapped up immediately and the lines on his forehead smoothed out.

"Hi," she whispered as she smiled at him.

"Hi," Richard answered swallowing a lump in his throat. Again he was struck by her looks; her face scrubbed clean of make up but it was glowing. He reached out to touch her; making sure she was real and not just a manifestation of his longing. His thumb glided across her cheeks and he watched those curled long lashes flutter shut, that smile still on her lips. It was a second later that her eyes fluttered open meeting his gaze.

"I have something for you," he said softly as he took her hand in hers and led her out of the guest bedroom. They went into the lounge and Richard directed her to the couch. "I'll be right back," he said as he headed to his room.

Farrah snuggled into his couch, her eyes greedily taking in each detail of Richard's cottage. She was startled when Richard knelt in front of her. Recovering quickly, she smiled at him expectantly. She couldn't help but notice that he looked nervous.

"What's wrong?" she asked gently.

"I'm terrified," Richard admitted, "I've never done this before."

"Done...what...before?" Farrah asked slowly as her heart beat picked up in speed. She looked at him again and realized that he was down on one knee. "Richard..." Farrah trailed, as she tried to sit up straighter. To stop what he was about to do. This can't be happening, she thought. Before she could open her mouth to say anything Richard placed a large red Cartier box between them.

"What...," Farrah cleared her throat, "What is this?"

"Open it," Richard said softly, anxiety evident in his tone.

Farrah snapped open the box and drew in a breath. In the box, there were two rose gold bracelets glinting in the dim lighting of the room.

"These...Richard...These are the...," she trailed, unable to finish her sentence. Her eyes were lowered as she couldn't lift them up to meet his gaze.

"...Love Bracelets. I know what they mean, and I know what you're thinking. But I am not locking you to me, instead I am locking my love to you. I don't know what will happen in the next six months. I don't even know what will happen tomorrow, all I know is that I will never be able to love someone the way that I love you," Richard said with reverence.

Left speechless, Farrah ran her finger lovingly over the bracelets. They were rose gold studded with pink diamonds on them. Farrah had always, always wanted these bracelets, but she never bought them for herself. She kept telling herself that someday, someone who loved her would gift them to her. It would be a sign of love and of commitment between them.

She lifted her left hand and suspended it in the air between them. Understanding dawned on Richard that she was accepting his gift; his love. With shaky fingers he lifted one bracelet and the key. Opening it, he fastened it on her wrist. Repeating the same action with the other bracelet. He admired the way they looked on her wrist with a small smile curving on his lips.

Slipping the key back into the box, Richard closed the box and handed it to Farrah. "Here," he said handing her the box.

Finally meeting his gaze, she said in a softly, "Keep it."

Richard bit his lip to stop himself from smiling like an idiot. She wanted him to keep the key for the bracelets. It wasn't like they keys were a dime a dozen. Each key was made specifically for the bracelet and Richard has commissioned for both bracelets to be opened with the same key. If they lost the key, they would have to go back to Cartier to get it removed.

Placing the box on the coffee table, he ran his fingers lovingly over the bracelets that adorned her wrists. She was literally taking a piece of him with her. A physical reminder of him no matter where she goes.

"Richard," he heard her say softly and he hummed in response still stroking her wrist that was growing increasingly warm under his touch. She went quiet for a while which made him look up to see her watching him. He felt flushed all over, as his eyes involuntarily flicked to her lips and rested there as he watched them move.

"I really want to kiss you," she said as she continued watching him as he exhaled harshly.

Woooo another update as promised. We are so close guys, so close to the end. So please do let me know how you find this story so far.

Remember to show me the love; share,vote and comment!

Love you lot!! xxx

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