9. Reasons

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The file landed on the conference table with a thump and slid a few inches across the table as the pages inside came loose and fluttered onto the table. It was safe to say that no one expected that reaction, especially from Allan Baker, the representative from the House of Lords who was also their PR advisor.

"Absolutely not. We are not going to do this," Allan said, face red with ill-concealed rage and spittle flying as he blustered about.

Richard cocked his head to the side, studying Allan and he couldn't help but wonder 'why not?'. What was it that the palace was trying to hide? Was there anything to hide? He knew it in his bones that his mother was sad for as long as he could remember. He knew that being hounded day in and day out, for a shred of gossip did her so much harm. He knew that being a princess made it hard for her to get help. He knew that she had openly talked about her depression before. So why so much anger? Why has this topic become such a big taboo in this palace? Wouldn't it be healthy to talk about these things?

Frowning, Richard looked about the conference room and locked eyes with his eldest brother, who also happened to be the crowned king. Phillip's blue green irises were bright against the white of his eyes, his brows were furrowed, and the worry lines on his forehead seemed to have deepened in the two years that he's been king. A small smirk played on Richard's lips as he noticed that Philip's blonde hair, had seen better days; it was thinning with an extremely prominent widow's peak- highlighting the fact that the King was balding at the ripe old age of 37. I guess on top of being crowned King, having four children in the span of five years doesn't help with the wrinkles and the balding, Richard mused as a ribbing session was definitely in order once Allan was done with his blustering about.

The clink of China drew his attention across the table where he saw his sister, Victoria, serenely sipping on some tea. She looked like the perfect picture of poise and elegance, but Richard knew that her patience was wearing thin. Her white knuckled grip on the teacup and saucer being an obvious tell. Richard began counting down, 5...4...3...2...1

"I think that's quite enough, Allan," Victoria said, flipping her wavy auburn hair back and her green eyes piercing. "We have discussed this before, even before Phil was King. The only reason we haven't done it yet was because we never knew when and how to approach this subject," she said as her gaze settled on Richard and softened. Standing up, with one hand under her heavily swollen abdomen and the other massaging her back she waddled towards him.

"Are you alright there?" Richard asked, concern heavily lacing his voice as he walked to meet her halfway.

"I'm fine," she said as Richard started rubbing her back. "The baby refuses to let me sit anymore, not even for a second." Victoria smiled as unconsciously rubbed her baby bump. Standing side by side, it was no wonder that people confused Victoria to be the youngest of the three. With her wavy auburn almost reaching her waist, the brightness in her green eyes, and the charming smile that seemed to be permanently carved on her lips; she was the poster child for fun. And fun she did have when they were children, all on the expenses of the boys as she got away scot free from all the repercussions with her sweet smile and innocent expressions.

"Allan, that's enough. You can take your leave now," Phillip's voice rang clearly through the conference room.

"But...but...your Majesty...." Allan blubbered on.

"This is something that we need to discuss privately. Once we have reached a decision, you will be notified," Phil said brusquely. As the help cleared the room, the three siblings sat huddled together with Richard still rubbing Victoria's back and Phillip helping her by placing a pouf under her feet.

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