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A week went rather quickly, too quickly in Willow's opinion. Sitting drumming a pencil against her desk, she leaned her head against her hand and looked up at the clock. She was currently counting down the minutes until school ended. It was her fourth day at the new school, which in her opinion still sucked.

Her fourth day consisted of getting into a fight during P.E, annoying the history teacher, then finally having a test during English. It was the latter on the list which was currently bothering her. Her fellow students sat with puzzled expressions yet she sat bored, counting down the minutes until her freedom. She finished the test, she finished it half an hour ago. She'd checked it once, twice then gave up on the third time and took to drumming. The teacher of course narrowed her eyes at her and told her to stop several times.

Willow was bored, what else was she meant to do? As soon as the bell echoed out, everyone sprung up from their seats and ran out of the room as fast as they could. Willow sat drumming for another few seconds before standing up and handing her test in. Sure, she was counting down until she could get out of here. But she wasn't desperate enough to get in a stampede of students.

Shaking her head and stuffing her hands in her torn at the knees jean pockets, she kicked her locker door when it refused to open. "See I figure you're a genius at chemistry right?" Willow questioned simply while slumping against another locker. Screw hers, wasn't like she needed into it or anything.

"You want help with homework so soon? Although I have to say you've lasted four days. That has got to be a record." Jonathan looked at her sidewards. "And here I thought you'd need help on day one."

"Haha," Willow laughed dryly and shook her head slowly.

"But considering you pointed out the obvious I will help you. This once."

"Only once?"

"Yes." Jonathan nodded and pulled his bag onto his back and nodded at her.

"My place I take it?" Jonathan nodded slowly as an answer. "Of course, why, just why can't you help me around your house? Sue and Kevin always interfere." Willow huffed and followed quickly after Jonathan when he decided to ignore her talking and just walked off.

The school was basically empty, there were a few students still milling around however. Some of those students just happened to involve certain people who disliked Willow and Jonathan. Don't get her wrong, Willow didn't set out to annoy people or get people to dislike her. But Bo and their first encounter happened numerous times. It got even worse when Sherry Squires, she was a cheerleader of sorts apparently, took to picking on her. Hence 'who' Willow had a squabble with during P.E.

"You two really do make quite an adorable couple." Bo said while pushing away from the wall and blocking their path from the school.

"Funny," Willow smiled and rocked on her heels. "You have such a crowd around you I think that you look good with each of them. Have you a favourite perhaps?" Willow quipped with a smirk. Bo narrowed his eyes at her, his friends behind him all looked at each other before looking at them. Jonathan pinched the bridge of his nose. Willow's company, not her company; her mouth, got them into more trouble than was intended.

"Shut up," Bo answered back.

"Smooth comeback, boss." Willow crossed her arms and then yelped when Jonathan hit her lightly on the shoulder.

"That classes as assault you know? I don't much like witnessing a girl get hit in my presence." Bo said while honing in on Jonathan and managing to separate him from Willow's side. She turned and shouted after him, wincing when the lankier of the two got pushed against a locker she ran forward and pulled Bo by his shirt.

Bo shrugged her off only his misguided elbow hit Willow in the nose, holding onto her face Willow looked down at the blood on her hands. She didn't have much time to react before Bo's friends pulled her back. Screaming and kicking out, Willow tried anything to get free. But five against one were not fair odds.

Jonathan on the other hand wasn't fairing much better. Gritting her teeth when Bo crouched down in front of her and grabbed onto her chin, she narrowed her eyes. Bo grinned and walked off, no words said. Scrambling to stand up, Willow ran over to Jonathan, who much like herself was bleeding, only not from his nose but his lip.

"I wish you'd bite that tongue of yours and resist talking." Jonathan said deathly seriously at her.

Willow shuddered and fidgeted and picked up his bag. Handing it up to him she winced when it got snatched from her hands. "I'm sorry!" Willow exclaimed and ran to catch up with him.

Jonathan shook his head and looked over his shoulder at her. "Willow, leave me alone." She stopped walking and watched him walk away.


Sue and Kevin Butler despaired at the girl in front of them. "What are we doing wrong?" Sue questioned her husband, Kevin in return shook his head. The two of them had adopted Willow, they could not have children of their own and decided to give another child a good home. A good home was exactly that. Willow could not fault it, the adoptive parents had long since accepted their daughter appearing home with injuries from fights. Todays bloody nose was one injury in a long list.

"What happened kiddo?" Kevin questioned while tapping Willow on the arm and sitting beside her on the sofa.

"I accidentally got in the way." Willow answered while biting the top of her pencil. "You any good at chemistry?" Kevin smiled and shook his head. "I was afraid you'd say that," sighing she collapsed back against the sofa next to him.

"Want to watch cartoons instead of straining your brain?"


"Kev!" Sue exclaimed and peeked around the door frame from the kitchen. "Don't encourage her to slack from homework." Kevin and Willow looked at each other and then at her. "All right, fifteen minutes then you finish that." Sue waved a fork at the pile of books and papers Willow had scattered over the coffee table.

"Yes, boss!" Willow exclaimed and mock saluted her just as she disappeared back into the kitchen.


(Edited: 27/Sep/2019)

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