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Hearing rustling, the source of which was a mystery. Pulling out his gun, Thomas Elliot moved silently down the stairs. Pippa wasn't down here because she was asleep upstairs, so unless there were suddenly two of her, which filled him with dread, then who was the person downstairs? The shop floor was in darkness, it wasn't night time but the darkness of this part of the city never seemed to go. Taller buildings overshadowed the smaller shop, the blinds were drawn across the window to further the look of an abandoned building.

Nearing the first aisle he aimed the gun around, no one. He repeated this action four more times before spotting the silhouette who was raiding the shelves. Pulling back the safety he stepped forward. "Get out."

"Aw, what?! There's so much food here! I have no money, we need food."

"You again? Seriously can't you go away? If I remember rightly Jonathan said we'd most likely never see you two again." Thomas pocketed his gun again. "Why am I seeing you now?"

"Food," Willow waved a loaf of bread in his direction. "We have none. You have a whole store, share and share a like, Mr Elliot." Willow smiled and shoved the loaf in her bag. "You know I remember briefly reading a paper you wrote. It was very interesting that's for sure."

"You didn't understand it did you?"

"Nopes, not a word. Your intelligence seems almost close to Jonathan's, I don't understand his logic at times. You're both confusing." Willow narrowed her eyes, "Confusing and complex."

"I did just holster the gun which was aimed at your head. Don't make me regret not shooting you."

"You're so hostile, Thomas." Willow pouted and then grinned when a familiar woman appeared half asleep. "Hello, Pip! Don't mind me, I'm doing a flying visit to borrow some food."

"You can't borrow food," Thomas looked at Willow. Her slight stupidity confused him, how his previous teacher managed to put up with her was beyond him.

Pippa rubbed her eyes and nodded, "That's nice of you to drop in to steal our food."

"Borrow." Willow smiled and grabbed a bottle of milk.

"Hush already said it, you can't borrow food. You're stealing from us."

"Pfft," Willow waved a hand at Pippa. "Sorry that I'm stealing. But I'd rather steal from you two, then steal from a shop which warranted me in having to run down the street away from the security guards."

Pippa shook her head and jabbed a thumb up at Thomas. "He's worse than a security guard."

"I know."

"I can hear you two, you do realise this right?"

"We're not stupid, Thomas." Willow said while putting her bag on her back and taking to filling up a small tote bag she had.

"Are you sure?"

"Don't answer his rhetorical question, they never end well." Pippa said while taking to helping Willow fill up her bag. "How's the shoulder?"

"Better! Much better thank you for asking. How are you?"

"Not too bad, a little bored. There's only so many times you can read the magazines in here."

"Mmhmm," Willow nodded and let out a quiet laugh.

"What's funny?"

"I see the top shelf has been disturbed." Willow whispered, Pippa's eyes widened, she then turned and looked at her companion who had by now skulked off towards the stairs. Sensing eyes looking at him, Thomas turned and looked at the two women. Just by him setting eyes on the pair, they both burst out laughing. This left the bandage faced man to stomp up the stairs cursing the nature of women kind. "Naughty, naughty, Thomas." Willow whispered and held onto her tote bag.

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